Monzo and Percent App

Hi Folks :wave:

I have recently been made aware of Percent and thought it would be good to share with you all. It’s a way to donate to charity without donating to charity. Let me explain.

On sign up you select a charity you would like to support. Then you can link your monzo (or any other bank) account. In basic you continue to use your monzo card as normal but should you make a transaction at one of the businesses signed up to the app, a % of the transaction gets donated by the business to charity. You are never charged anything. It simply tracks your transactions to see if you spend at any of the businesses.

A great way to donate without having to purposely donate any of your own money. The businesses donate due to your purchasing.

They then have a full listing of businesses signed up.

Currently they are live in: Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol and Central London but will be expanding. So much like the Tail cashback app it’s worth getting onboard for the eventual outcome of them reaching your area.

I hope I’ve sold it correctly to you all :joy: Definitely worth checking out.


Presumably the retailer gets a sales history tied to your details and that is why they participate?

If the participating businesses are listed in the percent app, then I guess it’s marketing for those businesses, just like cashback services such as topcashback.

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