I can see my max financial limit per day but is there a limit on the number of transactions? I want to use my Monzo at a “card only” establishment, for perhaps 100 small transactions.
I’m sure there’s no hard limit on the number of transactions, but I really want to know what sort of establishment this is.
I’m retiring - and hosting a “rolling” leaving drinks gathering at a local watering hole.
“Rolling” as in “feel free when colleagues come and go” - rather than rolling out the door at the end of the night, though there may be some of that too!!
There’s no number of transaction limits. If it was like bank transfers I’d expect the account to be blocked pretty quickly, on a card at a pub should be fine.
Can you not leave your card behind the bar though and run a tab? (Or is that too dangerous).
Also where do you work and is it too late to apply?
There’s no limit, though your contactless may reach a limit and ask for a pin eventually to confirm it’s you.
Maybe ask the bar to run a tab you can pay at the end, or pay an upfront cost if they’re willing to refund the difference?
Congratulations! And happy retirement.
As @breville_monkey said, you might need to use Chip and PIN at some stage.
Thanks - I have enquired about a tab but the management are not too swift in answering emails.
I will be leaving a District council on the south coast and unsurprisingly they have not got their RRRR in gear yet regarding replacing me - If you’re an Engineer, keep your eyes peeled!!!
Thanks - I suspect I may need to ‘chip & pin’ more than once!!!
Happy retirement!
I’d like to think it will be plenty of people buying you drinks, so you might be okay.
Quite often the fear of a tab is that you won’t settle it, but nowhere I’ve been has ever refused “Can I put £100 behind the bar under my name for people to order?”
Oh, I just wanted a free pint
I know Starling allows 50 transactions per day, not sure about Monzo