Managing Pending Payments When A Lower Authorisation Amount Has Been Taken

The problem is, it’s easy to ensure that you have enough funds for the full amount when you make the purchase but it’s also easy to forget that that higher charge is pending and spend those funds in the meantime…

If Mondo doesn’t know the amount that will be charged, I’m hoping we can come up with some ways to manage for this i.e

I don’t think any of these solutions are perfect, these are just ideas to get the ball rolling

  • Manual edits of transaction amount (probably not a good idea) or a second field, to record the pending payment amount which can be totaled & viewed in reports / alongside the current balance
  • Building on Optical Character Recognition, as suggested here, to enable :mondo: to extract the final amount due & set that as the transaction amount (since pending transactions are displayed in the app initially anyway, before they’re settled)
  • Setting aside part of the card balance for upcoming payments (see my initial post)