Making Monzo a better current account

The big one for me is that I just found out (after nearly running out of money and checking with support via chat) that the summary doesn’t include faster payments as money you have spent. This is despite being able to categorise each one.

That made the “left to spend” amount fictitious as I didn’t actually have that money to spend anymore. If that is sorted I’ll happily go #fullMonzo :smiley:

That’s really odd. I’m sure that faster payments out are taken into account for me…

Are you setting a budget?

Just checked and faster payments are definitely taken in to account in my left to spend

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This would be fantastic. Really hope this gets worked on after cash deposits. Those two are the last basic legacy features left.

Yes I have set a monthly budget.

I’ve attached a screen shot of the chat response image

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Anyone else spotted the updated Sneak Peeks section? Might just be in TestFlight build. Looks good!



Someone posted some screenshots of it on slack. Let me see if i can find!



I wonder if that will allow users to select a custom pay frequency, like weekly/four weekly etc?

It’s in the work’s apparently.

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The “resets every” option at the top of the second screenshot looks like it will allow that.


Been waiting for this , I get paid weekly so this is great.

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Further request, sorry couldn’t figure out where to ask.
When making a payment why can’t the current balance of the account (and maybe available funds) be shown on the payment screen?


Nice idea, that :grin:


So the more I’ve used Monzo as a current account, the more useless I’m finding pulse, it needs a massive refresh.

As someone put elsewhere, having markers on the graph in the future for DD and committed spend would be great, just feels a bit of a waste of space at the top at the moment


I believe Pulse is getting an overhaul completely (I can’t find the reference, but I seem to recall someone from Monzo admitting that it had fallen behind, and could be removed).

The issue with DD and committed spend is that it is also reliant on knowing your salary.

This wouldn’t work for the 100’s of thousands (millions?) of jobs that are commission based, or for the people who receive a different income each month.

I think someone needs to really reinvent that space at the top, rather than trying to get pulse to work for the masses.


Hugo discussed it here: