Its Good, but others are catching up - we need incentives/benefits

sorrrrry if this seems like a megapost, remote week has been distracting and exhausting me.

I have spent a lot on Costa being in London for a week :cry:

I hope the Spending tab addresses your issues when it is rolled out as Breakdown :pray:

I would tend to agree, and that is because we are concentrating so heavily on migrating our users. Hopefully when we close the prepaid scheme we’ll be back on exciting form for our users :muscle:

Would the execution of this feature matter to you?

Do you mind expanding on this, or have you address this previously?

This was a very very early iteration of Marketplace and how we were looking to handle it. Admittedly it didn’t do well but we’re hoping the Marketplace we are currently testing works out better. We are completely open about what we gain from these referrals :+1: Please do let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve this!

I would disagree with this: If you scroll to below the map, benefits are listed :smiling_face:

Please don’t, I enjoy seeing your challenging views. Every company needs someone to challenge how they work so they continue working in the best interest of who they are working for, their customers.

If you ever feel personally attacked please let us know! Otherwise take your time in replying because different voices are appreciated.

Our product team has heard this and they are working on it. We want it to be as easy and natural as possible for our users to be using the best products for them :+1:

My boyfriend has a current account with Nationwide and he won’t switch over to Monzo :see_no_evil: I’ve never seen a problem with them, they’re definitely a better bank available to consumers.

I much prefer working in lists - what incentive or benefit would you like to see Monzo offer our customers?