✅ [iOS] Sneak Peeks Displays Incorrectly

Issue: There’s a few issues with the sneak peeks section under help:

  1. There is a large gap underneath the “send me future sneak peeks” and a white bar behind the home indicator
  2. If you swipe from the left side to go back but then stop, the title bar changes from white to blue
  3. On iOS 12, sneak peeks do not display at all (worked on iOS 11) (Edit: fixed in Beta 2)
  4. If you start scrolling when your finger is on the text at the bottom, it prevents scrolling of the main content temporarily until the scrolling animation has finished

Details to reproduce: Help > Sneak Peeks
OS: iOS 11 & 12
Device: iPhone X
App Version: 2.2.0

Gap at bottom of screen with iPhone X:

Title bar goes white when begin swiping from the side to go back:

Scrolling glitch:


+1 on this issue — can’t access sneak peeks as per above :iphone:

Thanks! Will have a look at this tomorrow :pray:


Looks like the sneak peeks are displaying again on iOS 12 Beta 2, however the other bugs remain.


I don’t know if it is a bug or by design but I cannot dismiss the message at the bottom. :man_shrugging:t2: