Me and my girlfriend both use Monzo and often use it to pay for bills, meals out and drinks. We then use to split the costs. However I feel this proces could be improved.
At the moment bills are not truly split, instead a request is sent to the other person for that amount. This transaction is not connected with the initial transaction.
At the moment the process looks like this;
-£10 Shopping
+£5 Monzo.Me split shopping
—total expenditure: £10 (when infact it should be £5)
Over the course of a month this distorts your spending drastically as Monzo doesn’t take into account bills that have been split.
After a bill has been split, the split amount is deducted from that transaction rather than it being in a seperate unrelated one. The user can then click that transaction and it will show a detailed view with all nested transactions within it.