Ideas for 'perks' for investing in our crowdfunding

Just to let you know, I’m pretty sure that the reason your post was hidden is because it was flagged so many times by members of the community (name calling, from the code of conduct applies to people who aren’t members of the community, as well as those who are), it wasn’t just Josh who didn’t like it. When a post is flagged enough times, it’s hidden automatically.

So if you can make the same point but with a different choice of words or perhaps even simply keep your posts constructive, everyone’s happy! For example, “I don’t respect the guy & I don’t think Monzo should follow his example”, would have worked.

Let’s move on :slight_smile:


So after all the hours of brainstorming you went with nothing different to the first round! :poop:

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Tbh the main reason you should be investing is that you are buying shares in the company. Rather than any perks.


Having just got my Monzo current account and seeing the “vanity” sort code you managed to secure it spawned an idea: not sure if it’s been discussed yet, apologies if it has.
I personally would prefer that Monzo keeps things as standard as possible for everyone, that way they can focus on their core business, however “vanity” account numbers would be an easy win, it just has to pass the mod 11 check and there are a fairly large range of them, so investors and early adopters alike should all be able to get one. - thoughts?

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What’s a vanity sort code or number?

Think of personalised number plates for cars…

Ok so what’s special about 04-00-04 then?

It’s one for the tech fans..

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In Monzo’s case, it’s actually the double alternate modulus check -

a lot of merchants can’t find it.

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Thanks for correcting on the mod check type.

I think a premium card with avois points :slight_smile:

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  • Investor card for life.
  • exclusive forum access for investors only
  • sneak peak access to new features, for testing and feedback purposes.
  • invited to ‘secret shopper’ style customer service check ups.

In essence, make investors your loudest voice when seeking improvements

This could be cool :slightly_smiling_face:

We’ve decided not to offer ‘vanity’ account numbers mainly for this reason :point_up_2:
Whilst the current account is finding its feet, issuing ‘vanity account numbers’ adds another layer of complexity to the rollout process - mainly with regards to the logistics rather than the technical restrictions.

Deciding who gets first pick of sort codes amongst investors alone could be a potential sticking point for example.


Could be extended to anyone who has already helped with testing, not just investors?


Investors should get perks, no question about that, but they shouldn’t have the loudest voice which drowns out everyone else. The problem with that approach is the bank is then being tailored for a very small minority of people instead of the wider Monzo community.


I disagree with giving more perks to investors. Investment should be done as an investment, ie: to buy shares, not to get perks. It increases the divide and could make Monzo too biased towards investors.

Recognition and early access is fine, however.


We’ve seen a passion for Monzo keepsakes (3D printed hot chip etc) and a passion for live tracking of user numbers.

What about for a perk in the 2018 round… invest x amount and get a little hot chip ornament that displays the number of users (with 9 digits- implying a billion user target) and updates every 5 mins from the live counter?

I have no idea how that would be implemented or how much it would cost, but thought I’d throw that out there as ideas have been few and far between and you can’t get any worse than “free Monzo socks/hat” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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