How to recover a feature deleted by mistake

Hello everyone!

I am new to Monzo, this is my first question! It is about a feature on Monzo app (I am using iOS 18.1.1). I have Monzo Max.

I am currently travelling abroad and I noticed a very cool feature on my activity feed, something like “trip spend” – it was about how much I spent on my trip and what purchases I have made so far. I loved it!

Sadly I clicked on delete it by mistake and could not find a way to restore it. When I click on the 3 dots to edit activity, it is not shown as an option. When I click on “See all”, it shows activity not relevant to my trip. I restarted the app but it did not come back.

Could anyone please help? Or will Monzo generate a new trip summary after a certain period or when I make another purchases abroad? Would this be a too silly ask to request from Customer Service?

Thanks in advance!

Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

If you’re still abroad you’ll get a summary when you get home.

But it’s nothing you can’t work out by looking at your statements, there’s no secret sauce.


Thank you very much for replying! Yeah I can totally work it out, it is just not as sexy to do it through my bank statements.

It would be a good change to the app to allow us to turn features on/off as we need, as opposed to just removing them completely.

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