How does Monzo compare with Barclaycard and Halifax Clarity


Does anyone have a comparison for the exchange rate between Monzo, Barclaycard and Halifax Clarity?

It’s not the banks exchange rate it’s Visa (for Barclaycard) and MasterCard for Halifax and Monzo. You can check these online for whatever currency you need, but MasterCard generally ends up cheaper.

Halifax Clarity and Monzo will have the exact same exchange rate.

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I found this worthwhile reading for a comparison:

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It’s not funny and doesn’t contribute anything. There’s no need to act like that. The OP clearly didn’t know that rates were set by the payment network and not by the card issuers. They could’ve gone to google or they could’ve posted here, it makes no difference.


Heh. Wasn’t supposed to be funny per se… and yes they could’ve gone to google which would’ve got them the answer with a little leg work, or they can post here and get others to do it for them.

So, a little bit of a difference, no? Which is kinda my point, feed a man… versus teach a man to fish etc etc (just in a slightly short form)

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The benefit of the Barclays on a fee free card is that cash withdrawals don’t start accuring extra interest straight away like the Halifax card so you have until the due date to pay back , but with Halifax clarity you have to pay before 12am and pay back for that cash withdrawal or there is a bit of interest. (Barclays has a cash limit iirc , but Halifax doesn’t.)

Cash limits are the only difference with monzo , so if you aren’t going to a cash heavy country then you won’t notice a difference besides thing like travel reports, shared tabs etc that monzo offer :slight_smile:

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thanks for the helpful comments. In essence it’s as good as the Halifax clarity card in regards to the rate you get (and no fees charged). Thats what I was hoping for. Cheers

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I chose here to engage with the ‘community’. but hey, there’s always one… :man_shrugging:

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I think there are plenty of people/topics that this theory would apply to… But for banking specifics which are outside of the realms of “normal”, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for a new user to post the question to a welcoming community forum…

I certainly had no idea about what was what before I joined (I still don’t to be fair…), and this is something that is related to Monzo at least (plus, people aren’t doing the leg work, because it’s common knowledge and easily repeatable).

@natgates, you’ve already got your answer, but here is the MasterCard website where you can check past exchange rates - Discover our Mastercard Currency Converter Calculator

It’s also worth bearing in mind that the rate doesn’t “settle” for a few days after your purchase.

So if you buy something on Monday with your Monzo card (in Spain for example), it will take the funds out of your account at the time (call it €50), but by Wednesday/Thursday, it’ll update with the settled figure (it’s likely to be pennies different… in your favour or not) - It all depends on the exchange rate at the time.


Genuinely glad you got answers to your question.

I’ll leave the “engage with the ‘community’” alone I think, but welcome to it, it’s a wonderful place to get involved.

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Thank you