Home Assistant Inspirations

This is more for me as I want to borrow peoples ideas from their Home Assistant Dashboards/Setups!

This is my current dashboard but really want to overhaul it.

Also eager to see if people have setup tablets to control their houses or if they use voice assistants.


I would really be quite interested in that for the current drawer. But it has to be properly live, None of this wait 10 seconds bullshit with the octopus home mini, That turns out isn’t actually 10 seconds it’s more like 30….

I would like it to update it in like two seconds

I’m not currently running home assistant. But I may Try it.

I currently run scrypted and Homebridge

The current demand does seem to update in about 10 seconds ish, the octopus team did say they might send out a home pro but are checking internally.

What software/app is that?

The one I screenshotted?

Home assistant with a lot of integrations.

I’m using both a :octopus: Home Mini and a :octopus: Home Pro. The Pro is not really integrated yet - although mine recently became stable and so I’m able to start tinkering with its SDK. Here’s my current HA dashboard, which has remained remarkably unchanged in the last 12 months:

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Bottlecapdave has since added the home pro i think as well.

It has. But I’ve not updated the integration for the last several releases as it’ll break my triggers. A bit of work needed and no advantage to a Pro integration at this stage (for me) anyway.

Ah are you on the release before the rates went to events?

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Yeah, still on v10.3.1 - v11.0.0 introduced the change to the default sensor names and I’ve done a fair few changes in those areas. I need to put aside a couple of hours on a weekend to update, check and edit as necessary. I’m sure it’ll be OK - but with HA there’s always a chance of something unexpected growing into a major rescue project!

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What settings/yml is your bottom left graph out of interest?

My dashboard is very easy to use for the other half and set more for consistent mobile usage right now as she cares not a lot for graphs so I make use of subviews quite a lot.

@davidwalton I am only recently on the OHM, what is the difference between it and the Home Pro? I cant find any info on the Home Pro and the guy who put our smart meter in gave me a OHM after I asked about it.

Can you give me the name (header) of the specific graph on the bottom left you are interested in?

The Home Pro currently does the same job as the Home Mini. It’s on a limited trial release and (for me) has only just started working at its very basic level. It reports to the Octopus R&D labs account/app like the Mini does - but the Pro appears to have a direct link to the meter’s comms hub which should allow quicker access to consumption data:

It now also has an updated image with an SDK which people are slowly starting to develop things for. Think of it like a Ohm Mini running on a Raspberry Pi with an embedded development kit. Now mine is stable, I can start messing with the SDK to see what can be done. More to come I’m sure!

If this question was for me then this is the code for the graph

type: custom:config-template-card
  NEXT_DAY_RATES: states['event.octopus_energy_electricity_next_day_rates'].attributes.rates
  CURRENT_RATE: Number(states['sensor.octopus_energy_electricity_current_rate'].state) * 100
  - event.octopus_energy_electricity_current_day_rates
  - event.octopus_energy_electricity_next_day_rates
  type: custom:apexcharts-card
      show: false
      enabled: false
      tickAmount: 12
        formatter: |
          EVAL:function(value) {
            var time = new Date(value)
            return time.getHours().toString().padStart(2,'0') + ":" + time.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2,'0');
    color_threshold: true
    show: true
    label: now
  graph_span: '${(NEXT_DAY_RATES.length > 0 ? 2 : 1) + ''d''}'
    start: day
  update_interval: 30min
    show: true
    title: '${''Octopus Agile Rates (Current: '' + CURRENT_RATE.toFixed(1) + ''p/kWh)''}'
    - entity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_current_day_rates
      type: column
      unit: p/kwh
        - value: -100
          color: blue
        - value: 0
          color: green
        - value: 15
          color: yellow
        - value: 25
          color: purple
        - value: 30
          color: red
      data_generator: |
        return entity.attributes.rates.map((entry) => {
          return [new Date(entry.start), entry.value_inc_vat * 100]
    - entity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_next_day_rates
      type: column
      unit: p/kwh
        - value: -100
          color: blue
        - value: 0
          color: green
        - value: 15
          color: yellow
        - value: 25
          color: purple
        - value: 30
          color: red
      data_generator: |
        return entity.attributes.rates.map((entry) => {
          return [new Date(entry.start), entry.value_inc_vat * 100]
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Hasn’t it got the raspberry Pi Pin Headers as well?

It does, yes. Hidden under a removable flap.

The header pin functions are mapped out in the SDK instructions too - showing the Pro function and the corresponding RPi(4) function for comparison:


Very cool, Philip (over at octopus, least I think it’s him) said he has a few left and asked me to signup to the forum again so fingers crossed this time!

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There is a forum?

For octopus? Yeah although you have to email them to get an invite.
