Has Monzo stopped offering ISAs?

I can’t see the option.

I only have an option for a regular pot, or easy access or fixed savings.

Assuming you don’t already have an ISA?


If you click on this card do you get the option?

Huh. I seem to have more options. ( I don’t have an ISA through Monzo though).

You have four option screens , I only have three , and no option for an ISA , I haven’t ever had an ISA with Monzo .

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I am on the latest beta but I don’t imagine that would affect this. :man_shrugging:

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Weird. We’re being A/B tested here I think.

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I also don’t have that option, not that it’s an issue for me as I have one elsewhere, just chipping in to say its not on display for me either

I don’t even have the card view others have posted, just a list of options (though that may be an iPhone vs Android thing, or beta vs regular version):

I know these change from time to time. I also know I used to have an ISA option, as I’d been waiting to have enough savings to open one.

ISA’s are listed as temporarily unavailable here: https://monzo.com/features/savings/

It’s been this way for a few weeks

Unclear why @redshift is seeing an option to open an ISA though

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I think it’s just a case of iOS folks not getting any love, like with the fancy transaction map thing. Maybe one day

I’m on iOS and have had the card-based interface for opening savings accounts since before xmas.

I’m also able to open an ISA through OakNorth.

Standard Monzo shenanigans.

Just A/B testing, and a few getting C/D/E.

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