Greetings from the Magical Isle of Skye

So excited to start the Mondo journey … and, as a by product, to deliver a good kick to the High Street banks - where it hurts!

Expecting my card to arrive on Saturday and whilst this won’t be a marriage on the first date, once a full Banking Licence is achieved, the potential is there!

Looking forward to contributing my ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism …

Onward and upward!



Welcome @RowanTreeRoos to the Mondo journey. :slight_smile: spent a wonderful week up in Skye earlier this year.

Thanks, Andrew.

Yes, when the weather isn’t too challenging (high winds with horizontal rain) Skye is a delight. Been living here for almost 5 years now and no regrets!


I had the most chilled time there. Loved that my phone didn’t have reception as well in the cottage we were in!