Good Morning, Good Night, and General Chit Chat

Just tried it with Charlie while ‘comfortable’ in bed;

Didn’t flinch. Possibly too comfortable.


Lol. Must just be ours then.

So penis photos are allowed?

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Furry ones obviously bypass the auto-filters

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I might post one. But not now. I’m gonna lurk and post it when no-one expects it.

Tim Dowling does

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TIL that the Guardian swears.

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How’s everyone’s Sunday been with this amazing sunny weather? :sun_with_face:

I shut the curtains to keep the sun off the TV screen and watched the football. :+1:

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Coma again? We’ve got torrential rain, gale-force winds, and bitterly cold temperatures. I’ve stayed home.

Your agile tariffs shouldn’t be too bad today.


What? You understand we don’t all get the same weather as you, aye? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just mentioned the weather to make you all jealous to be honest :stuck_out_tongue:

Milo spent the day sunbathing :joy:


He’s got it right. I sun bathed, outside, shirtless. :joy:

Are you @michaelw90’s dog?


I managed to get sunburnt this weekend. It looks decent weather for much of next week too

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Took the kids to the park for the first time this year. Was nice to be able to get back outdoors and do something free! :laughing:

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One wrong timed breath or cough could ruin this comfortable position :heart_eyes:

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Electrolytes - Does anyone have any brand recommendations?

I’m trialling stuff to find out if anything can sort my health issues out without having to pop 10 tablets a day. :rofl:

Hi all. This will be my final post for the foreseeable future. Basically, the ToS of this community means that one has to be 18+ to post on here, and one of the MOD’s has made me aware of this. And as some of you are aware, I’m not 18.

So, it is with some sadness that I say that I will therefore not be able to post on here until Spring 2026.

I’ve really enjoyed talking about banking and finance with all of you! Even though I won’t be posting on here, I am absolutely going to continue opening new current accounts, and will be back with a huge card collection next year!

So with that, I wish you all, and Monzo, the best ~13 months possible.

Thanks for having me,



You’ve been pretty vocal about this to be fair :sweat_smile:

My prediction is a ‘not-jo’ user appearing in the near future :wink: