Good Morning, Good Night, and General Chit Chat


My nostrils can feel the chemical smell in this picture.

I’ve only used a Flash Powermop on the floor. Open Window Fresh smell.

Slowly moving over to more planet friendly stuff


Nice! That ensuite is bigger than crappy little bathroom :sob: :sweat_smile:

I used to have loads of bottles of various cleaning products. A few months ago I decided I’m just gonna get rid of what I don’t use and stick to a select few neat/miniml products.

Did the same with toiletries, reclaimed so much storage space in my flat

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I’m thinking of moving over to Mack too now, though I don’t actually think the cleaner uses the products we provide.

Also my concern with Mack’s WTF remains that I’m not sure how effective it would be – it recommends spraying directly on the floor and wiping with a damp mop, but I prefer diluting stuff in a bucket of water, otherwise I feel like I’m just pushing the dirt around on the floor.

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It’s an old Victorian villa attic space. Not sure when the conversion was done. It’s actually a lot bigger but the space isn’t usable due to the pitch of the roof. I’m 5’7” and I hit my head on that beam a few times.

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Picked this up to remind me I need to DUCK

Made from scrap metal


“Squeeze the life out of me!” Fill the chamber to indicated level. Pour into your selected clean spray bottle, fill with cold water and start to save the planet.
For buckets, squeeze me twice!

From the big green bottle

So you just have a big empty void on the other side of the bath where the monsters hide?

Thanks, I’ll get this when my Smol stuff runs out then. The Smol floor cleaner is awful.

Behind the loo really, which is probably a bit more scary as you won’t see them coming!

The small Velux to the left of the tower is my ensuite, above and to the right of the tower are the inaccessible areas.

You own that whole castle :scream:

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Just the attic, it’s 6 apartments. Two below me (east wing & west wing :joy:) then three on the ground floor. One is a small studio and the other two have half the remaining space each.
It was a very lucky find when I was house hunting.

Lucky find indeed.

Interesting fact - it was used as a hospital in the war. All of my doors have locks as they were the nurses quarters.

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So it’s haunted, then


We do have strange noises coming from the cellar sometimes…

Damn - was about to make a joke about estate agents then saw that you had corrected it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Voice to text doesn’t quite get my accent sometimes :man_shrugging:


Good morning everyone. I’ve got a thing. You know when you play your dog ‘squeaky dog toy sounds’ and they go nuts?

Well, we’ve just noticed that Ziggy goes nuts for ‘Sacrilege’ by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, specifically when the (quite heavily digitised) vocals kick in. Anyone fancy trying it?

Edit: I have a video but seems I can’t add videos… sad times