Just wanted to wish everyone a great Easter.
What you getting up to? I’ve been walking on the beach at Lytham.
Just wanted to wish everyone a great Easter.
What you getting up to? I’ve been walking on the beach at Lytham.
That’s lovely, enjoy the walk, though looks like the weather is not really on your side.
On my end I’m working today, as usual.
Happy Easter
I’m considering cutting the grass and carefully rationing the kids chocolate to prevent having to scrape them off the ceiling later due to an excessive sugar high
And then I will cook Easter dinner
Happy Easter!
Just had some fast food for lunch, followed by playing some Mario Kart 7 on my 3DS. Now watching TV and doing absolutely nothing! Probably could use a walk to walk off this lunch!
It wasn’t too bad. No wind. Sea was calm.
That must be down road from myself!
I’ve not left the house since Thursday. It’s been a harrowing few days as our kettle died and we ran out of milk but after living in the Dark Ages for two days we’ve got a new kettle delivered and rang a friend to get milk when she came over for dinner
overall, a pretty lazy weekend.
Renewed appreciation for Amazon and good friends.
Wait. Wait. Is that a lah I see.