General broadband discussion

If you don’t trust Google then Cloudflare is a good alternative (assuming you trust them).
If you are privacy conscious then maybe Quad9.

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Ah I didn’t realise Cloudflare offered this service. Ok that’s perfect, I’ll go for this!

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Yeah and cloud flare is one of the fastest responding. I use nextdns but if I wasn’t I would be primary and secondary

I’m happy with CloudFlare DNS over TLS for both IPv4 and v6.

Super speedy and hasn’t gone wrong yet.

+1 for NextDNS

I run my own DNS servers (resolvers) - one at home and the other on my Bitfolk VPS.

I use controlD

I did the usual cyclic call with VM where I pleaded with them for being a customer for 7 years and they always give me a deal worse than new customers. I was paying £48.96 a month for 512mb/s. It’s doubled because of Volt. Which btw is one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck with VM. The second is the speeds they offer. After much wrangling, they offered me 1Gb/s for an increase of 4pence on the bill, with the guarantee of 2Gb/s during peak times

I still never understand how they can sell to new customers the same package for about £35 and still charge more for existing customers. Whether I will use the 2Gb/s connection is another thing, I’ve turned my VM router into a modem and been using Google Wifi for the last 2.5 years now (its maximum capacity is 1GB/s). I don’t think it’s worth getting the new one to accommodate new speeds, especially with VM’s “Guarantee” of 2GB/s speeds lol

It’s simply because most folk once signed up rarely try to get a better price and just roll over when the discount ends sadly.

Have you tried calling their bluff and cancelling? You’ll get a call back a day or two later from the real retentions team, with a better offer than you were previously able to wheedle out of them.

This baffles me because in my case for instance once the discount finished it was like £75 which is a big bump. Surprising that people would just let that be

At least now I believe they have to contact you at the deal to let you know but before it would just silently roll over.

Just never be surprised with the majority doing nothing and putting off the hassle of phoning.

I went straight to the cancellation department when i called. Next time i’ll just cancel and see what happens, i always threaten to cancel instead of actually cancelling lol. If they just turned around and said okay no worries bye then that’s it :smiley:

I’ve been with Sky for about two weeks now and am happy enough with my 512Mb for £22.

Virgin did try to call me up with an offer but I’m glad I’ve made the move for the time being. Now that I have a Fibre ONT installed, it should be trivial to switch between Open Reach provider and Virgin based on offers.

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Even without FTTP, I’d take Sky over Virgin any day. Their faster (than FTTC) speeds are not worth the QoS hit and worse support that tends to come with them.

Sky’s really good for a big ISP. Probably the best among them, so the fact you’re only paying £22 for it is even better.

I’m glad you managed to get away from Onestream!

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Totally dodged a bullet. Cancelling was thankfully very easy as I’d just signed up.