We have tried to link our Freeagent but even though it appears linked Monzo says not yet synced. We have put through a couple of transfers from our old business account and it still has not synced into freeagent.
We set up the connection on Friday afternoon.
I’d rather wait until FreeAgent will implement native integration with Monzo using OpenBanking API than relying on Monzo’s proprietary integratoin with FreeAgent where they push data to FreeAgent and require you to grant access to FreeAgent (including your other data which is unrelated to Monzo account).
I’ve had a pot created for a few days now and it hasn’t appeared in FreeAgent - neither have any of the transactions to the pot.
Can anyone from Monzo confirm if they are working on a better integration with FreeAgent? Shouting about needing the Pro business plan for FreeAgent syncing and it not being real-time is a big let down.
I can see a bonus in the Free plan having the once a day sync, and the Pro plan syncing in realtime…
Before I moved to Monzo Business my clients were amazed at how quickly they received the “Invoice Paid” emails from FreeAgent after making payments… So if they weren’t real time, the sync was pretty close.
Sorry to drag up this thread again - but I have noticed another potential issue with the current implementation of FreeAgent Syncing.
I have my invoices set up to automatically send reminders x days after an invoice becomes due. This means if a client pays on x-1 day, the reminder is sent on day x as the feed has not yet updated - causing confusion!
I really don’t want to have to start manually marking payments as paid and then matching these up to the transactions in FreeAgent.
Could somebody from Monzo give an update if real-time syncing is on the cards?
This is a must for me and should of been there from the start, it also looks good for your customers that they get an email confirming that the invoice has been paid as soon as you take the payment (and allocate it in FB)
There really should be instant synchronisation
I just do not understand why this can’t be done by Monzo especially as Starling have this
Can you give me a rough example of how this works? I am just trying to figure out exactly what your timeline is set for compared to ours.
Our freeagent updates each morning at around 7am.
If its a card payment I dont think either will report it to freeagent until it actually settles in 2-3 days but you will get the notification in the app as it happens. Bank transfers are settled when they hit the account though.
Sure - I have FreeAgent set up to send reminders every 7 days after an invoice becomes due.
Day 0 - Invoice becomes due
Day 6 - Invoice is Paid
Day 7 - Reminder is sent
Day 7 - FreeAgent receives the transaction from Monzo
Day 7 - Invoice paid email sent