For those on anchor watch, dogwatch, the graveyard shift, lobster shift, swing shift, third shift or just anyone who can't sleep

Hi All,

Hope your all well, recently joined the Coral Crew and its my first night shift since.

So I thought I start a post to see who else is up and about.

Try and keep this for the night owls to keep us going. Post for a chat, a photo of what your up to or just some general randomness.

Now this might go down like a lead balloon and everyone might be tucked up in bed, but here goes, why not start with an easy riddle:

What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?

No cheating


There are not many night owls on this forum :frowning_face:

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I’m awake (unintentionally) but this is beyond my mental faculties! :coffee:

Cleary just me on my lonesome, back on nights tonight if anyone wants to keep me company :grin:

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“Starting” *

See you tonight :grin:
(* Nope, afraid I took the coward’s route

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Looking like we need some international expansion - if only to help keep @viderz company during nights! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yep, that’d do it :grin:

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I’m one of these people who works best at night (I learnt that I worked best during the night during my MSc) So I still have an odd sleeping pattern(I used to work in the library till about 12:00 then go out) :joy:. Which will continue when I start my further study :sweat_smile:
Only issue is getting up at 9 can be fun :joy::joy:

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I’m happy for the international expansion, best bit about working tonight, 1 hour less :grin:


Just finished watching series one of Pose on iPlayer

Recommended. Spent the first twenty minutes of episode one not having the faintest idea what was going on, but eight hours on it is life

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Really not a morning person - feel more alive as the day goes on

Alas morning people won as they got up earlier, so I have to drag myself up in the mornings!

I’m a night person, but unfortunately I normally have to get up by 7 so that doesn’t work out too well

Just been sorting out the files on my computer and debating if I should get an hours work done or go to bed


Being run off my feet, the joys of having to work a Saturday night, can’t wait to climb in bed. Think a stop at McDs is in order for some caffeine

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I used the McDs app to the other day. Revolutionary

A shorter night shift tonight for me :partying_face:
It’s my fav night shift of year - get to finish an hour early.

Im getting that night hysteria, but I made it to McDs, anyone got a good joke 20190331_035938

Who’s doing the graveyard

Then just as you sit down at 2am with your Crunchy McFlurry & Google “McDonald’s touch-screens”

And trust me, the tabloid versions of this story were even more graphic :weary:

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Shouldn’t this thread be merged into the Apple Watch thread? :joy::joy:

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I remember that article , well rank.

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