First impressions and things I would like to see

Hey Monzo community,

I’ve been testing Monzo for a couple of weeks, and wanted to share my thoughts so far.
I like it. Its nice to see notifications for all my purchases and know that the app is always up to date in real time. I have previously been using Yolt with my legacy bank, but TBH it doesn’t add much value as its the real time feedback that I find the most useful

I can really see Monzo improving my spending habits and overall is going to have a positive impact. However, the following would need to be addressed before I would consider replacing my existing bank current account.

  1. Ability to manage (edit/delete) payees. This isn’t the biggest issue, but would be convenient to have.
  2. Category for savings. I regularly transfer funds to an isa or savings account with other banks and don’t want these transfers to be counted as “Total spent”. They are savings, but not replaced by pots.
  3. Improved app security. The app lacks a fallback for when face id fails or more importantly when face id has been disabled/updated globally. All other apps that use face id force you to enter a pin or some-sort when the face id settings are updated.

I have seen forum posts on all these points so know their being discussed, but just wanted to add my voice as a new user.


Hey :wave:

Nice, I’m a big fan of those features too :slight_smile:

That’s interesting to hear, I know people who rave about Yolt but since I only use Monzo for my banking, it doesn’t add a lot of value. In case you’re interested, there’s been some more discussion about their service here.

If anyone has any thoughts about these ideas, could they please post them in the dedicated threads :point_down: to save anyone repeating what’s been discussed & keep all of the ideas in one place :raised_hands: