First Direct Chat

It’s certainly not aimed at fintech but I think that’s a bit harsh. It may not have all the bells and whistles but as a bank in the basic sense it’s pretty good I think.

Reliable, does the basics well, and for some folk that’s probably enough. Granted I too want a little more hence sticking with HSBC.


I don’t think it’s quite just old people lol. But it certainly appeals to people like me that just want… a bank.

I use mine solely for core banking, paying bills etc. So I don’t need:

  • categories
  • trends
  • spend targets
  • maps
  • notifications if I’m honest

What I do need:

  • reliable service
  • good 24/7 support
  • simple but stable app for doing core banking

So fits the bill for me still. I switched to them in 2014 before fintech was really a thing, and for how I use them there’s no reason to change at all.


Also why I use Nationwide with all its app limitations.


Just rang FD customer service to ask about something I ordered that looked like it was coming from the UK and turned out it was not. Nice and quick response, lovely jovial lady. Status as FD super stan out of review and back on the FD super stan team… :laughing:


Ill be closing FD after my direct debits come out, fair enough I like their app design and the customer service but they don’t have much else going for them. Also they are very unethical :smiley: .


Well they are part of HSBC. Hardly a shiny light of ethical bahviour based on what they invest in etc. No idea if that’s what the other user is referring to, but I would never call First Direct ethical.


Yeah I get that. You look at other banks and they have a much better offering and seem to have embraced fintech much more than FD.

Like you I’m uneasy about the ethics of HSBC, but similarly for me customer service is a huge thing. If I get good customer service I’ll often overlook things that might be deal breakers if the CS was not good. I do find myself constantly oscillating on wanting to bank more ethically. Although I also need to address what I think is my tendency to be an “over consumer”. A weak will and too much social media are a heady mix! :rofl:


That’s 99% of banks out there, including Monzo :smiley:

Possibly only The Co-Op, Tridos and Algbra (EMI) are the only really ethical ones out there.

For you. For a lot of people they have exactly what’s needed - a decent stable account that does the core functions, a reasonable credit card, and decent enough savings.

They will never be a monzo competitor, even though at one stage, curiously, HSBC were going to use FD as the ‘Fintech competitor’ before they decided they would rather have the custom instead.

I agree they are basic, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Is it just me or do notifications for debit card transactions only happen when the transaction settles? As opposed to point of sale. Bizarre.

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It was point of sale, but now when settled.

How useless is that? May as well not even bother if that’s their plan. With HSBC they are instant.


It’s been a few years since I last had a FD account and I know some of the features back then were limited but have they got round-ups? I know they have that sweep facility at the end of the month but just wondering if things have progressed?

No, they don’t have round-ups.

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Thank you :+1:

I receive settled notications at 19.26 or thereabouts!

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How come?

No idea.

Something just be broken.

Looks like fd might be aiming for current account interest, along with better rates for “Jars” aka Pots.


Do they have jars aka pots now?