First Direct chat

You’ll be holding for a while! If that happens, big if, it won’t be fast! I think it took them 5 years to do transaction notifications, for example.

To paraphrase Yoda :frog: “The inertia is strong in this one!”


My notifications have become really inconsistent and largely useless now.

I’m starting get a bit vexed with FD now… My status as an FD super Stan is in review now…:rofl:


Maybe they should start calling customers with a notification when they make a payment :clown_face:

“Aye up, you spent £3.50 at Starbucks”


I’ll get no notifications and then all of a sudden everything will come in all at once. The first time it happened I almost had a heart attack I thought my card had been cloned. Then realised it’s just FD being incompetent… Not a great quality in a bank… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Working instantly here.

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No need to show off… :stuck_out_tongue:

aye mines work instantly as well. Tried turning them off and on again in the settings within the app?

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I lie. My lunchtime purchase didn’t send a notification. Bank transfer did.

That’s karma… :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::pensive:

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But if I turn them off what if they never come back? My faith in FD is waning… :sweat_smile:

well your hardly getting them just now so worth a shot lol.


A point well made :sweat_smile:

Just got spend notifications for these 3, which were made yesterday, not today.

yeah mine were a glut of notification from 2 days ago. Which was what caused the panic thinking my card had been cloned


I think it did this in the earlier days, one when transaction was made, and another when the transaction was collected.

So are you getting these after they’ve cleared then?

Seems a little strange and actually surprised given how long it’s taken for them not to get it instant really. The HSBC ones are.

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First direct were instant, not sure what’s happened but the transactions I made yesterday seemingly notified me tonight, had a look in app and they’d cleared.

Strange happenings.

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I have actually seen that, very occasionally with HSBC. You’ll get it when it happens and then also when it clears.

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Better late than never particularly as most loyal FD customers have waited years for notifs.


FD is a poor excuse for an app/telephone only bank. Unfortunately it’s still only aimed at the golden oldies who phone for a balance on their account. The app is so basic even the old people know how it works coz you can’t go wrong with just how basic it is haha I friend works at FD and even he says it’s not going to change its ethos because the old people are the main driving force