As many people have already mentioned the “hot-coral” colour is a conversation starter but also as @hugo has mentioned it embodies the concept and ethos of the brand. Monzo is a start up, disrupting the industry, it makes sense to have a card design that embodies and reflects this. When I look at the card I always think its missing the ubiquitous Monzo “M”. It’s so prevalent in the app yet its nowhere to be seen on the card. As @hugo mentioned the logo/mark was designed after the hot-coral card which explains why. The design at the top of this post by @Sam is nice, really nice, but it looks and feels like lots of other bank cards, very corporate. Monzo isn’t that, its a rule breaker, its an innovator, its doesn’t do things by the status quo. The above design suggestion is a fairly obvious one. Keep the hot-coral colour but introduce the Monzo “M”.