Done ✅ Make it possible to dismiss the “getting started” screens from the Monzo Plus tab

It’s been annoying me for a while now that the one “getting started” screen I cannot get rid of from the Monzo Plus tab is for advanced roundups. It takes up over half the screen and I have to scroll past it every time I won’t to get to other parts of Monzo plus. I don’t want to use the round up multiplier, so have tried switching it on, making a translation with 2x roundup multiplier on, then switching it off, but it comes right back with the getting started screen.

I assumed after a while of having Plus it would go, but it doesn’t seem like it.

Would really like to dismiss it…

When roundup multiplier is switched on —>

This is one of those things they promised to do on day one but never did

What happens if you create a new pot. Then click the multiplier link on the plus screen to set it up. And then just close the pot.

From what I saw someone say recently, it comes back again

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Yeah it just comes back again unfortunately


I still have the “getting started” bit for advanced rounds-ups taking up half my screen on the plus tab.

I asked about it on chat about a month ago to see if they could remove it, and my chat was referred to the Plus team who said they’d look into it and get back to me, but I never heard anything further and a few days later it showed as “conversation closed” on the chat.

It’s obviously not a major issue, but still annoying that more than 6 months after starting Plus, I still have a Getting Started splash screen :man_shrugging:

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If I remember correctly, day 1 of Plus launch they promised to look at it. They must need new glasses if they’re still looking, more than half a year later


That tab could do such much more. It’s just relinking to things that are elsewhere.


I find it a pain mostly because I frequently have to check my virtual cards to copy card numbers and dates when buying stuff. I wish I didn’t have to scroll down to find ‘virtual cards’ everytime - just because this huge getting started block is here :frowning:


Same with me, I’m usually heading to virtual cards. I really hope there’s a way to get rid of it soon, or it’s automatically removed a certain period after sign up. Definitely not needed 7 months into being a Plus subscriber.

You can access the Virtual cards from your home screen, you don’t need the Plus/Premium tab.

Swipe down when on the home tab and they are under you Account and pots, if you hide pots you don’t need to see everyday then the VC’s move more into view :slight_smile:

I do agree though that the sgetting started section needs to go, I’m left with the roundups one which you cant get rid of unless you choose to go more than 1x, that in itself is ridiculous


Ah yeah thanks for letting me know :smile:

Unfortunately I have about 20+ visible pots, but I guess I could hide a few more and see if this is any faster.


Getting close to 1 year I’ve had Monzo Plus now, still waiting for the “Getting started” page to disappear/be dismissible :sob::pray:


With the release of Trends and more Monzo staff on the forum than usual today, I’m hoping someone sees this and takes pity :joy:.

Ive had Monzo Plus for a full year as of August 1st, please make it possible to remove the “Getting started” screens from the Plus tab :pray::slightly_smiling_face:


I really really want this removed as well. I have no plans to use Advanced Roundups and would rather have a widget there showing my current interest or something (or nothing at all). It also feels like it has just been forgotten if you have had plus for longer than a couple of months - you hardly need to “get started” on something you don’t plan to use.

@tjvr :wave: :thinking:


If it is to be a directory of sorts, then make it useful.

List my other accounts in here, how much interest I’m earning/have earnt, tell me how many custom categories I have, my virtual cards, my credit tracker score, the latest offers etc etc.


Yep same, i will never use it. I did switch on Advanced Roundups at one point and left it on for a couple of transactions - purely to see if I could permanently get rid of the Getting started screen. But then as soon as I switched it off again it reappeared :slightly_frowning_face:

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I’d also like to be able to dismiss this.


Just to add also… I don’t if this has always been the case, but tapping the getting started screen for advanced roundups doesn’t actually give you anymore information about the feature, despite the explanation being truncated on the picture. It just takes you straight to the pot you have normal roundups enabled on (not to edit mode, just to the pot).

Not that I want more info, I want to get rid of it, but just thought worth noting it doesn’t even seem to be a functional getting started help screen.

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Do you not have advanced roundups enabled on anything?

When I go to my Plus tab I have no cards at the top so I can only assume this is the reason they’re shown for you?