Do I have to use the app?

I’m about to go trekking through the hills of Northern Spain and can’t guarantee internet access along the way. Is this likely to cause any problems, as I might not be able to use the app.

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As the :mondo: account and :credit_card: are both linked you should not require an internet connection to make payments.

Sorry I don’t know what the second symbol means. But basically I could load the account before I go and just use the card for payments and cash, and not worry about the phone app at all. Correct?

Correct :slightly_smiling_face: as long as you don’t need to manage your account while you’re travelling, you will not need the app.

The card functions just like any other card while you don’t have an internet connection - that won’t stop it from working.

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It will work like any other card except for the fact it won’t charge you for the pleasure of doing so abroad! :slight_smile:

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Thats correct. Just in case I would still take a second card as :mondo: is still in beta.

Very wise :slightly_smiling_face:

As long as you top up all you will need before the trip, you won’t actually need the app to spend on your card. Have a great trip :sunglasses:

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