I’m travelling to Brighton this week for a holiday and I’ll be doing most of the spending on my Monzo card. I’ve transferred extra money onto my account, but it would be great if I could group all spending over the next five days into a different moment and to prevent this affecting my monthly spending targets.
Already I’ve busted my monthly target for eating out with a Starbucks and a McDonald’s.
lol but isn’t that just like saying ignore all of the targets to control my spending because Im on holiday and that spending doesnt count - no offence - but targets are to understand your spending habits ???
A holiday is a one-off event that occurs several times a year, it affects your spending habits because you will often find yourself shelling out a lot more than usual for hotels, petrol, tickets etc.
I’d like to see this idea put forward as the spending on a specific trip can be funded from either savings or working overtime so unless you take holidays each month it’d be great to separate these from my normal spending as on a month-to-month basis I would not usually spend that much money.
I’d love this, when I’m on holiday my targets for eating out get exceeded by 300% or something + a really high cash withdrawal while I don’t touch the groceries section at all. Being on holiday for over a month messed with my average and while I’d like to file my transactions as normal instead of putting it under “holiday”, this sounds like a great idea.