Connected Accounts: what next? (Summer 2021 edition)

Chase UK :roll_eyes:

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Didnā€™t think Open Banking currently had a useable API for mortgages yet, probably needs the industry to get on with tweaking it and then actually using it on their own offerings.

Itā€™s something they keep saying will appear, but Iā€™ve never seen a solid timescale.

Still hoping for Virgin Creditcardā€¦ Please please please! <3

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Yes I think these are the two main reasons for the relative popularity of Sainsbury credit card.

A 31 month interest free period is why I originally got the card in early 2018. They then offered me another 18 month interest free when I asked to close the account at the end of that period, so in the end Iā€™ll have had 4 years interest free.

Theyā€™ve been making significant improvements to the app over this period. It used to be atrocious - comfortably the worst banking app I had back in 2018. Although it still lacks some things (main being instant notifications and Apple/Google Pay Iā€™d suggest) it generally now compares reasonably well with apps from other traditional providers.

If they add Apple Pay Iā€™d be tempted to keep it as my second credit card (after Amex) once my interest free period ends.

They still do.

There is ā€œold Virgin Moneyā€, which is mainly credit cards and some savings accounts, then ā€œnew Virgin Moneyā€ which is the CYBG platform and includes current accounts plus most recently-opened other accounts. They intend to eventually integrate the older system with the ex-CYBG platform and apparently itā€™s better for credit cards - so credit cards will always be based on that system and everything else, going forward, will be on the new ex-CYBG platform.

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Is bill splitting transactions or enrichment in the pipeline soon?

Iā€™m not on Monzo Plus but either of those features will probably tip me over the edge to go for it.


Might do a feature request/idea post, but thought Iā€™d share here that Iā€™d love other accounts to be hide-able like pots. And whilst Iā€™m here, be re-arrangeable too, even above my joint account which I only use for household bills :slightly_smiling_face:

I have two accounts which I would prefer to keep hidden most of the time.

  1. I have a money transfer card which I will never spend on. I donā€™t need to see it even close to daily/weekly, but it would be nice to check the balance via monzo every now and then for the full picture of my financial health.

  2. Similarly, I have one regular DD that goes out of my other current account - again, no need for daily viewing, so would be nice to hide/unhide.

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I think you can do most of that now!

Certainly, on Android, you can hide connected accounts. And rearrange them, although you can only move connected accounts between themselves - they canā€™t be moved between Monzo pots and accounts alas.

Woah! Time to update the parity wiki.

Definitely no hiding for me on iOS. Edit: screenshot pls?

I can rearrange within the connected accounts, and Iā€™m not holding out hope for my request, but as you say that isnā€™t quite what I want.


Had to do a double check just to make sure.

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Wow lucky. Thank you!


When will Virgin Atlantic Creditcard by Clydesdale be manageable by Monzoā€¦ :confused:

Me want it now! slams fist


Just got premiumā€¦ the only 2 I canā€™t add is Tesco Credit Card and Virgin Money Credit card!

Any update on these being supported?

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Co-op bank please - the credit card I hardly ever use (but the only Visa credit card I have), but just for completeness.

Another call for Sainsburys bank. :rofl:

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Mortgages please!

(I know, I know :frowning:)


Starling would be useful!


Today weā€™ve dropped two new credit card providers into Labs! :tada:

  • Tesco Bank
  • Sainsburyā€™s Bank (since so many of you asked for it!)

Once youā€™ve turned on the ā€œTest Other accountsā€ toggle in Labs, youā€™ll see the option to connect credit cards from these two. Please try it out and let us know how you get on! :pray:

As usual, youā€™ll need Monzo Plus or Monzo Premium to connect an account :sparkles:

Just so you know: if you connect an account and then turn the Labs toggle off, it wonā€™t disconnect the account. The Labs toggle only affects connecting an account. (You disconnect these accounts the same way as any other Connected Account.)


Brilliant, great to see this still being worked on. Next, Virgin Money credit cards? (Pretty pleaseā€¦)