Hi, I run a Girl Guide Unit and when looking to open a bank account and use one it’s so old fashioned and out dated. If I want to buy something on debit card, I have to use my own money then claim back as I need more than one signee to buy things. Taking off and adding people to the account is a nightmare and requires people to physically go into some banks together to do this! Which can be difficult when all local branches are closed!
Could you create an account for clubs that have dual acceptance of expense on debit card transactions i.e. like you have the enter your pin thing on the app if buying goods online (other signee gets notified on app and has to authorise etc). Also use of cheque deposit technology like Lloyds bank whereby you take a pic of chq front and back in the app and it is deposited into your account. Banks are so far behind with these types of accounts.
Hey Gemma. Someone asked this question recently and received a reply from Jack @ Monzo:
Cheque imaging is something being developed too but requires regulatory things to happen first - the date for that is August I believe.
Thank you thats great. Monzo would be a perfect fit and would help drag this type of accounting out from the dark ages! Cheque deposit function is great to hear too.
Hi Gemma,
I’m in your exact same position and totally agree! What account are you using at the moment? We’re struggling to even get view only online banking at the moment, it’s a total nightmare.
Hi I am using Lloyds but its taking ages to set up. Its their treasurer account but we use it for the Hut and its generally quite good.
Hi all
we are very interested too,
we are struggling with HSBC as a Club / no profit, it is taking ages.
Monzo would be for us the best solution ever!
Would be great too if you could log in from multiple devices
4 of us are running the Club, so it would be useful if we could:
- access from each personal phone,
- have more than 1 card
- as we all have personal Monzo account, would be nice if you could easily switch from personal to the business / charity / club account, like you do in instagram and other apps
I appreciate there is currently no option for voluntary groups as yet other than Joint account, but have a quick query that I hope someone can advise on?
We are a group of students who are to receive external funding for our end of year events. We are thinking of setting up a Joint account so that a few of us (who already have Monzo personal accounts) can collectively access and monitor the funds.
If we deliver the event in October that the funding is for, and then close the Joint account, will our credit scores still be tied together after that/how long for?
Many thanks,
Not sure your theory will work.
A joint account can only by accessed by 2 people out of your group - you and one other. It will also tie you both together on your credit report which I wouldn’t advise.
So, I wouldn’t do it this way at all - It would only give access to 2 of the group, and if it’s a trust thing, there is absolutely nothing stopping someone taking all the money anyway (you don’t need both people to agree etc).
That being said, right now, Monzo don’t report the joint account to any credit agency, so you won’t be tied together on your credit report.
This was due to change, although it would seem the priority of this is pretty low, so it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
Another wish for a free banking community bank account with Monzo
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Hi. I’ve found a few threads on here with people requesting the business account be made available to communities/clubs (think girl scouts, bands, etc etc), which aren’t registered businesses. There was some healthy discussion with it back in 2019 since when, nothing, as far as I can see. This is disappointing, as now Monzo has expanded into business accounts, ISAs, pensions, credit cards etc, which probably are nice little earners, but it would be great if this flex could extend to community interests.
Currently the line-up of banks that offer this kind of account is a who’s who of the least ethical banks out there - Barclays, HSBC, Santander, Natwest, Lloyds, and even within that list some of the services are notoriously horrible, taking months to set up. My group just won’t stand for supporting any of those banks (even if our small account isn’t exactly going to make a huge contribution to their war/arms/oil/global destruction efforts). I was going to set up with Metro, which is ok, but found out that all signatories have to be there in person at the branch to set up the account, which, at a 2hr train ride away, is just never going to happen!
Monzo is ticking so many boxes and making it so easy for many people to invest and get their money together, but could it please also help out a bunch of small groups and allow them to have their accounts with them? Who knows, it might even be fabulous advertising?! One signatory sets up the account, and spreads the word to their group that Monzo have made everything super easy, and then those people are impressed and move their own current accounts over…? Something about pebbles and ripples…
@ethelmama Thanks so much for your feedback here! Really appreciate your interest and the information you’ve shared
I’ll share this internally, but I’m afraid there’s no changes planned I could share right now. I’d just ask you in the meantime to keep an eye on our eligibility page Monzo Business Banking Eligibility | Check You’re Eligible
Interesting to see this, as the football club I’m a committee member of, is looking for a new bank, and we would have loved to have come over to Monzo, can’t see how we can squeeze into the eligibility at the moment.
Thanks Graeme. I suppose I’m wondering, as far as Monzo incorporating this functionality is… why not? What makes some banks allow it and others not? And why does the level of service vary so much? Like, why do some do it quite well and painlessly (NatWest), while with others it’s a major pain in the backside (Barclays)? As Monzo is modern and nimble, and generally doesn’t require customers to dust off family seals and the magna carta and crisscross the country to pay in cheques, could it not implement such a feature relatively painlessly?
I’m wondering if it’s possible to raise a poll, or for customers themselves raise a petition, so Monzo can gauge the level of interest here?
You can. Start a topic under the ‘Feedback & Ideas’ section and this gives the ability for people to vote for your suggestion.
It can help influence Monzos decision but bear in mind we’re only a tiny fraction of the millions of customers Monzo have. So typically they don’t carry much weight.
Thanks, yes, I suppose I was imagining doing a poll in the wider world, like instagram or something, as not everyone who needs the feature would think of stumbling into the Monzo community (I didn’t until prompted).
Have raised a poll here if anyone wants to vote for it!
I don’t need this but I’ll give you your first vote to kick things off. Good luck!
Don’t get your hopes up with it. Votes don’t really mean anything, there’s plenty of things Monzo have done with barely any votes and thinks they haven’t done with hundreds.
They’ll do it when it suits their strategy and/or it’ll make money. A few votes online won’t make any difference to that.