Change Direct Debit collection dates

Could the Direct Debit collection not be changed easily within the Monzo app? Or is this a limitation from the Direct Debit service itself? At the mo, some of my DDs collect at random days and for budgeting purposes it would be amazing if I could change the collection date for when I get paid, without having to contact each separate company. Is this possible?

Monzo receive the instruction from whoever the direct debit is with so are unable to change the date


Only the company you set the direct debit up with can determine the collection date

All of my DDs leave my account on the 1st of the month but I had to request the date changes from the various service providers.

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Well, do Monzo really want to be positive disruptors? Shake up the market? How about tacking that one? :wink::wink::wink:

You have the agreement with the company collecting the direct debit though, not Monzo so would be a nightmare proving to the various companies that they are acting on your instructions. And every company varies on the dates it’ll allow you to choose. Don’t see how it could be done

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I can just imagine this now. Would be utter chaos!


For DD’s the receiving company owns the payment. They can change the date, the amount etc. You have no control over DD’s. You need to go to the companies debiting your account and ask them to change.

If YOU want to own the payment and prevent them changing anything then you have to pay by standing order.


I don’t see how this could happen. We’re talking bout something other than a Direct Debit at this point.


If the direct debit is just occasionally moving a couple of days here and there to account for weekends and bank holidays, then that’s expected behaviour. If your company is changing the payment date substantially a lot of the time, that’s something they shouldn’t be doing.

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