Hi Monzo Community,
I need to gather deposit payments from a group of 40 friends for a Dinner. I am using a bespoke monzo link to request the money as this is much simpler than sharing account details.
I want to make sure I can keep track of who has paid and ensure the money is kept separate from my usual spending.
I imagine this use case, or something similar, affects many people. Who hasn’t known the hassle of managing who has paid for a group holiday/ Hen etc?
Does anyone know of a way of automating this either in app or using IFTTT. For example, creating a rule that all payments made using the link get sent to a pot or given a special category (ie Group Holiday)? Once it is has been categorised I would want to be able to view details of the individual transfers to see which people has paid (and how much)
Does anyone know if this exists or has a recommendation to facilitate?
Thanks, Tom