Car Insurance

Interesting! I must test this now, as I have a VW Group car, but mine may be too old – it also doesn’t roll the windows up if I lock the car with windows down (the neighbour’s does and it has me green with envy)

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I don’t think mine does the window thing, I’ll have to check.

I usually realise I’ve left the window open before I’ve locked it.

My Golf does the mirror thing, as for the windows, if you’re already out of the car, just hold the lock button on your key fob, after a few seconds all the windows will start doing up, they’ll stop when you let go.

Edit: Works the same for opening too but with the unlock button

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What year is your Golf?

Oh, interesting! I wonder what year this was introduced on VW Group cars – I’ll have to test on mine when I’m next out of the house

Oooh the window open and closing works wonderfully!

TIL!! :smiley: Thank you

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My old MK5 Golf didn’t do the mirror thing, however, did do the window thing. My MK6 I have now does both the mirror and window.

By my maths that means the mirror thing has been around since at least 2008, although mines a 60 plate.

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It’s so useful! I thought it was something most people know, but i mentioned it at work once and everyone thought I was lying. It worked on my colleagues Alfa too


Same! I just magically lowered and raised the windows! Everyday you learn something new

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I just poked my head out the window, held the button and the window didn’t move “Ahh, nevermind” and then because I obviously can’t measure 2 seconds, got excited when it did work.


My car is an Audi, so that’s VW and BMWs that do the wingmirror thing then.

It also opens and closes the windows with the fob. There is a setting on the cars computer system for how much the windows open and if it’s just the front, back or both etc.

Found out the hard way, keys are in my back pocket and I’ve had a few soaking wet seats :joy:


I had an issue with my old Golf because of this which was a nightmare, our little girl was playing with my keys at night in the lounge, she must’ve only been about 1. We were in the middle of some really bad snow and when I went out to the car in the morning to try and brave it to the supermarket, the windows were open and the seat were covered and the passenger window switch was broken from the water :frowning:

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My Merc does it too. So far we’ve narrowed it to a German thing.

It will also park itself so the mirror thing is a bit pointless.

On-topic, I hope, (but not flowing with the posts, I fear).

MSE did the whole “check if you can reduce your car insurance premium” thing, even though you’re still well short of renewal.

I check using the usual comparison websites….

I’ve halved my insurance. Even with a premature closure penalty I’d have been quids in. Not an issue, as the best premium sat with my existing insurer.

Find five minutes to check it out….

You’re welcome :grin:

My 56 plate Alfa 147 2.0 TwinSpark ‘Shredder’ did the windows-up-from-keyfob thing. It also did 0-60 in 4.5 seconds (modded EPROMS in the ECU) - and it only cost me £15 per month for insurance :rofl:

Cost me in tax though - £30 per month. And petrol - £70 per month. And it certainly ate through front tyres - hence ‘Shredder’. But a smile on the face every time I drove it.

I say ‘did’ in the first sentence because after it decided to drop the nearside-rear lower spring mount onto the tyre at 70mph on a dual carriageway last summer :astonished:, it was off to the big scrappers in the sky.

I bought myself some new, clean pants with the scrap money.


Wouldn’t it have been better to just wait until renewal so you don’t waste a year’s NCD? Assuming you yearly

On mirrors and windows – my Skoda does the windows too so that’s another VW Group brand ticked off the list. I’ll check the mirrors when I next drive

It appears there’s a sweet spot of a few weeks prior to renewal. I don’t see you’d be penalised NCD-wise, as you’d not be uninsured at any point.

I need to Google it properly but wasn’t it something like 6 weeks before your renewal gave the best price?

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23 days before renewal

MSE Weekly Email, 4 May 2021