Title says it all…
We almost need like a limit for an evening we can pre-set and once we hit it the card bounces unless it’s say Uber or TFL
Would absolutely up vote this if I could
Sounds a good idea - but in practice, that’ll leave you with an unpaid bar bill and possibly no way of settling it… Perhaps just an “Alert when spending in category/at merchants reaches XXX in a XX day period” (ideal for me for Steam sales - let me know when I’ve spent £100 in a 30 day period so I know to stop - those games add up without noticing)
I think aside from the spending limit, a category for ‘drinking’ or something along those lines rather than ‘entertainment’ or ‘eating out’ would be great.
Can do what google used to do (or still does??) and make you do math problems after 2am or something
if you want that last tequila, then what is 10 + 5 * 3 / 3 = ?
** you can only comment on this suggestion if you know the answer (BODMAS for the win)
i see what you did there
The ability to add a number of user-defined categories would be great. For example, on my Excel spreadsheet to record my income/expenditure I have various categories that are currently not available within the Mondo app e.g. charity.
Heavily backing the ability to add custom categories (with a nice icon set to let you pick an appropriate icon too of course)
I really like the idea of being able to set daily, weekly or monthly limits for individual merchants.