Calendar monthly for payment dates

Does anyone happen to know if there’s a monthly calendar view of the payments coming from my account anywhere? If there isn’t it would be an amazing feature. And hugely helpful.

Seeing at a glance when money will leave my account in any given day. I’m speaking of direct debits and scheduled payments. But if there’s other things to add that would be useful too.

Payments > Scheduled

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Thanks for being baffled Carlos, but couldn’t you have shared the path to finding it or is that too much to consider helping someone else……


No, because the payments tab is a big give away, so is the Scheduled tab within Payments…

You really have had the goo taken out of your cream egg lately!

Chill, Carlo. I don’t think what I suggested is exactly what they were looking for. More so an actual calendar page type thing…

Like this, but with the amounts on each day. Which isn’t going to happen so scheduled is the best you’ll get as it currently stands.

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I’m not really sure that this is the type of comment that the community was made for. If you don’t feel like helping, there’s no pressure to comment on a thread :slight_smile:

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The question has been answered, I have nothing to add on that front, but I felt the need to call out hostile behaviour rather than just flag quietly, because stuff like this makes the Community a really not nice place to be.

It doesn’t have to be all holding hands, signing around a campfire; but there’s no need to be actively hostile either when someone is asking a question.


You’d note it was a response to their comment.

Flag away Huns.

Damn I missed what the post was.


I flagged it because it was rude, unhelpful, and unnecessary. Liable to turn off anyone new to the forum looking for legitimate answers to their questions.

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It’s funny I was thinking the same hahah

Are you finished?

I believe so.

Let’s hope Monzo look past the nonsense and take onboard the feature suggestion. :+1:

Would be nice of Monzo to implement any of the suggestions raised here but they seemingly choose not to.

Barclays have had similar for years.

HSBC is probably my favourite iteration.

@AlanDoe - Maybe not all the posts need to be moved

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Have you seen the price of cream eggs this year? I’d be annoyed if someone took the goo out of them. :rofl:

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I’m all about the chocolate orange ones now. I’ll remortgage before Easter

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No. The White Chocolate Creme Eggs are the best.

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