Building an A.I. assistant for your money, should we build a Mondo integration?

Hey guys,

Happy Mondian here and loose acquaintance of @tom.

I’m currently building out an A.I. assistant for personal finance and was wondering if a Mondo integration would be worthwhile.

We had a couple of requests yesterday but I just wanted to gauge possible interest! | Invite code: ‘EF5’




I think I would use it :slight_smile:

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I would too, something like this, pennies and pariti would be the dream

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I think I’d use it too :slight_smile:

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I would use this (and signing up now!)

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I would use this if mondo support was added (just signed up now)

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Seems very limited at the moment. Isn’t this already in Mondo / on the roadmap for the most part (apart from checking external account balances)?

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That does look pretty cool. I’m going to have to signup.

Theres been a few good projects stemming from here, like quidsapp as well.

If integrated with Mondo I think I would use this. Am signing up now.

I can’t sign up, not accepting emails haha.

Looks pretty good though, not sure how much I will use it once Mondo has all the ability built into the dashboard. Useful for checking external balances with legacy banks

Cheers guys, we’ll integrate soon! :slight_smile:

@terryharman v.strange, email me at and I’ll fix it.

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I used an email address and it worked fine.

This sounds very useful indeed. Signing up to give it a whirl.

Have you integrated yet? Ive just signed up to Cleo and Monzo is the account that Id like to set Cleo up on

Why did this never happen?