Bug with scheduled payments

There is a pretty horrible bug with scheduled payments. If I go into the scheduled payments on a pot for my JOINT account and try and add a payment for my PERSONAL account - e.g. a Monzo product such as flex or a direct debit, I get a failure message. Error wrong account type or something (I‘m unable to reproduce). Following this, ALL my scheduled direct debits and payments for the JOINT account were removed.

Details as above.

Latest iOS
Iphone 12 mini
App Version:
Latest (not testflight)


Just to add that this is the first time I was able to try adding personal scheduled payments to my joint account. It only seemed to be available via the new pot carousel. Trying to reproduce the issue has so far not worked.

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Reproduced it by amending personal scheduled payments then trying to change my joint account pot

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It reliably removes most or all of my scheduled payments and sometimes does not let me add them back, showing instead the personal account information.

Just to add that scheduled payments from the incorrect account now show often making it difficult to amend existing scheduled payments and increasing the likelihood of triggering the bug.

This is still happening with the latest version of the app.

Still a problem and really easy to remove all my scheduled payments unless I’m very careful when adding a new one. Can anyone else reproduce it?