Biotropic Design meets cash card II

It would be a cool way but most people these days carry their card. You have GPay and Apple pay and even Tesco Pay (Add cards to pay at Tesco). Can even get it on your watches.


Tiny cards would mean upgrading/replacing how many ATMs around the world? Unless every bank is quietly introducing tap-to-withdraw-cash style systems we don’t know about.

Oh and those store cards in your wallet. You don’t NEED them. So ditch them. Environment saved?


I must admit the idea intrigued me at first.

However, strong unsupported claims started to be thrown around and the cherry on top (and the point I stopped reading) was when I found out the OP has somehow amassed 27 cards yet still refuses to use a digital wallet :exploding_head:

You can’t feel this strongly about plastic waste when you’re a massive contributor yourself - arguably above the average person too. I think you should start small at home and lead by example before demanding others change :slight_smile:


But… Biotropic Design!


I gave up when I googled Biotropic Design and viewed the OP’s profile. That, and some of the content above as you mentioned. Bee, bonnet.


I can understand wanting to reduce the amount of plastic used when it comes to bank cards. However, if Apple Pay and GPay can have these as a virtual card in essence, then I don’t really see the need to carry a card around, the issue is when it comes when trying to spend over £30 through Contactless. The only App I know that does not have a £30 limit on this is Tesco Pay+. However, I believe it’s not the App that restricts the amount it’s the retailer, so if all Retailers allowed an unlimited amount via Contactless, we wouldn’t need a physical card.

Obviously the only other restriction is if you actually needed physical cash.

It’s been suggested before:

Shame you never read it because there was an explanation of backwards compatibility with the cards.

An adaptor.

Which would have an environmental impact to manufacture (and an additional impact to create the machine that creates the adaptors)? Not seeing how more things being made is better for the environment when we already have a system that works.


So you are trying to coin the phase ‘Biotropic Design’ to mean getting people to think ‘Carbon Negative’ by calling yourself the father?

What you are suggesting in the OP isn’t Carbon Negative?

Also we already have the terms ‘Carbon Negative’, ‘Carbon Neutral’, ‘Low/Zero Carbon’ that people understand.

People already know words and concepts like carbon footprint, and zero-emissions from new cars, I don’t see why there needs to be another word to describe the actual thinking/training the world. :man_shrugging:

Also the name biotropic I’m already thinking it’s means ‘life change’. I don’t think it’s catchy enough to stick.

I had read it as biotrophic ‘life feed’ before, as in a parasite that feeds on its host.


Because the more hits it gets on the internet the ‘realer’ it becomes… no? Ohh is that fake news??