Be part of our cashback pilot 🎉

When I say advertising I don’t mean things popping up unsolicited. I mean the need for you to go into the cashback list to activate offers. If you need to go through that process, retailers will benefit from a marketing perspective by more people noticing them and/or noticing their offers. If activation is automated/passive there will be much less people browsing that list as a lot of people (maybe most???) would just use the card as normal, content with the knowledge that they’ll occasionally receive some cashback when where they already shop and where Monzo currently has offers happen to coincide.

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I agree I can’t see people just going and checking a list of rates of their own accord. People don’t have time for that. To change buying habits i.e. changing your supermarket shop from Morrisons to Tesco, there would need to be a push - hence the push notifications advertising ‘new’ rates etc
 It’s that type of ‘advertising’ that retailers would be interested in.

Would make sense for there to be a “Check out this month’s cashback offers” push alert, and wouldn’t be out of step with similar apps I use. Presumably one would have to leave marketing offers checked on in order to get these alerts.

That’s how topcashback and quidco work currently isn’t it?

The best way (and most likely to happen way) is that you can subscribe to email notifications when rates change or new retailers are added.

Which if I remember correctly is similar to how the current ‘Monzo Plus offers’ work. If you’re signed up for marketing messages you get notified when new ones are added.


There are new ones? Didn’t think they had ever changed.

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Speaking personally, I do think cashback schemes where I do have to opt into offers (such as Amex & Topcashback) probably do influence where I spend money more than those where I don’t have to opt in (such as Airtime Rewards).


They haven’t for a long time but they did change in the beginning :slight_smile:


I get email notifications from Quidco / TopCashback. That’s the only time when I’ve really changed my buying habits when places are similarly priced.

For example, if I’m in the market for a new TV and but I got a notification which said for 1 day only Currys were offering a cashback percentage of 15%. That would be enough for me to shop there.

Doesn’t that then steer away from having cashback that’s limited per month? You’ll easily reach a £20 cap with purchases like that, You’re talking about larger purchases where most people do shop around looking for the best deals etc. including cashback

In everyday purchases would you shop around to see where you get the most cashback even if it’s 1/2% more than somewhere else just for the sake of a few pence?

A everyday cashback scheme would surely be more suited for mozno especially because people mainly transfer ‘spending’ money into mozno

Don’t think they have since I joined. It wasn’t the offered that I signed up for, not a single one is of any use but I’m sure they must be to someone :thinking:

Look forward to seeing if there’s anything useful when the cashback is rolled out to a wider audience.

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Hopefully the reason for that specific cap is because the trial is being funded by Monzo, and a properly funded by partnerships offering will have a higher or no cap.


Hopefully, it’s hard to judge the cashback program as a whole because we don’t really know what the real product that everyone will get will look like?

As it is now it’s good but is that only because monzo are funding it and have the freedom to pick merchants

I guess questions for the bigger release would include, would cashback be capped etc

Do they? I thought Monzo were positioning themselves as a ‘disruptor’ bank and they want people to make Monzo their main bank account?

Also apologies if this has been discussed but when you talk about ‘everyday’ cashback and £20 limits - is that just the limit for this trial - or is that the intention going forwards? Limiting people to £20 each month seems like a bit of a waste.


I think they want to make people have monzo as their main bank and many people already do! But I feel like there’s some areas that monzo already falls short in which prevents a lot of people switching to mozno as a full account eg. Monzo misses simple features such as cheque imagine, post office deposits, free virtual cards. Many of these every other provider already does and for free.

I guess my point being, maybe an incentive for people to make monzo their main bank account would help improve their position as a bank account (this being the cashback)


Unless I’ve missed something I don’t think anyone knows what the ‘cap’ will be or if there will be one at all. I believe that the cap is only in place right now because Monzo are funding this themselves so they obviously don’t want to spend too much money


Thanks for the clarification on these points. I had an idea in terms of data sharing to give the user a clear visual representation of the actual data that partners will be receiving about my account, something like this:

I’m no designer - just a web dev, but putting it out there if the community also thinks this helps clear up the data sharing.


I’ve noticed some strange behaviour with refunds, Flex and cashback.

I made a purchase with Flex but I cancelled it before the payment was due in a month. At that point cashback wasn’t activated for the retailer.

I later activated it and made a purchase again from the same retailer which resulted in cashback being earned as expected.

The cancelled purchase I made was then refunded but with the way Flex deals with refunds I had to make a payment using the returned cash in my current account to zero out the Flex balance. This however resulted in cashback being earned.

I’m not sure if this is expected behaviour meaning the cashback will be taken back at some point or a bug meaning cashback never should have been given.

Just bought a coffee at Costa, but the cashback hasn’t tracked unfortunately :pensive:

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I like this but I’m a fan of plain text explanation, as I’m guessing the data would look unintelligible to a human who hasn’t some experience in data extraction or analysis.

But this could help to explain it I guess. Nice idea.

I have noticed a glitch too - tried reporting it in-app but the support staff are getting confused telling me to report it to the merchant.

Morrisons Petrol for some reason is classed as eligible for cashback, but because they pre-authorised £100, Monzo give me the full 12% on £100, instead of waiting for the final amount to be presented. It’s not clear if I was meant to get this amount, or how Monzo would calculate anything otherwise?