It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s also borderline intrusive. My Father had an uncomfortable chat over the phone with his bank, when they wouldn’t release his money the other day (he’s 73), he’s a private person who objected to having to tell the bank what he wanted HIS OWN money for!
Now if we’re looking to seriously wanting to stop fraud etc, you’d have to rope in the likes of Western Union as you can wander into any agent and send thousands overseas with no questions asked.
Most rogue traders etc want cash, so stop large cash withdrawals and only do bank transfers to another account (audit trail) that would cut fraud for domestic matters easily in half or not more. Rogue traders don’t have bank accounts in my experience.
It makes good press, and is a step in the right direction, but it’s been my understanding that this has been in place for years anyway?!
Most scams are online now and it’s absolutely out of control!
I think this is a great thing but not sure if people realise how much training we get on fraud. I don’t deal with customers nor accounts and I spend at least 4 -5 hrs a quarter on fraud training. Its something banks really don’t want as it costs both the bank and the customer
It certainly has a chance to be helpful, although example on BBC is simply scammy tradesmen, trying to get as much cash as he can from a person. This can affect anyone and I highly doubt bank staff will know enough about various industry pricelists…
Hell, I can call electrician and ask him to fix something. Electrician will tell me £300, when £200 would be fairer price. Is this a scam already? It will be difficult to tell a difference, but for the sake of good story, BBC picked obvious black and white case.
As a more of a digital animal, in most of cases I’ve seen scams are online and usually no cash is involved. I work for classifieds website and the amount of people falling for it is just absurd.
Buying boat, puppy, renting a flat, all of them can lead to scam.
Here are some online scam examples I picked in my company:
I’m not sure what colours and bold are doing on previews, that’s not me emphasising random words.
How are banks going to protect customers from those? I don’t think they can