Automatic Direct Debit Address Change

Hi all,
I search this and didn’t find any result, I hope I haven’t missed it!
I might have to move house in few months and as usual, I will have to contact each provider (banks, utilities, 3rd party companies) to update my address.
How good would it be if once I change my address in Monzo, Monzo automatically contacts our Direct Debits providers or even better the Royal Mail Redirect service and ask for the address change?


Which costs money!

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I know, but sometimes when you have just 1 month to move it’s quite hard to get all the providers up to date and make sure everything is sent to the new address.


I once moved 8 times in 5 years so had multiple redirections all running at the same time :wink:


Ah! That doesn’t sound fun! I moved 3 years ago and used which was quite good although some company did want to double check with me before changing the address.

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Do they chain @anon44204028? I have a double current account switch redirect going ATM. HSBC -> Halifax -> TSB

Yes they can chain them :wink: