App Evolution (new look Monzo app): Feedback Megathread 📣

Left to spend was trumped by bill pots.

But with targeting coming soon, maybe it’s more accurate to replace it with “Remaining before you hit your target” or something a lot better than that, but in the premis.


Going to be the outlier, never used left to spend, so works for me as is!

I transfer money where needed, and my balance is always my “left to spend”


Loving the new look. The little circle showing goal progress on pots is a nice touch.

Echoing the whole keep the left to spend, and importantly the days remaining bar!

One thing I’d like to see is the virtual cards split out in the same way the connected accounts are.

A total balance on the connected accounts would be nice too although if there are multiple currency types I can see how that might be an issue.


Having used this for a short while I keep getting stuck in the old carousel screens after clicking through to the account details. In this situation pressing HOME does not return me to the overview which is what I am expecting to happen. Also when pressing HOME at the bottom of the overview screen I am expecting it to return to the top…


@caribo are you on iOS or Android?


Something to help differenciate the difference between which account the money was spent on, that isn’t just Personal/Joint would be good.

The little card that you get for a virtual transaction would work for me (TeamYello) but realise this wouldn’t work for people with double coral.

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I used my Flex virtual card today, so surely I shouldn’t have this +£105? As it didn’t go in the first place?


Sure the order/payment got fully accepted? Didn’t get refunded after?

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Just switched back and it’s still there on the normal non-labs view too.

Order is still showing in my Flex tab. I don’t often remember to use the virtual card but I’m sure it doesn’t always do this.

Really really liking this so far.
Would love a balance which included all accounts, pots and - flex with easier visibility ( perhaps I’m being stupid and missing it. )
Also, the flex logo doesn’t match with the version of the flex virtual card. ( premium silver, plus blue or hot coral )but this is a small niggle!

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I’m getting the described behaviour on Android


Android. 5.4.0

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Christmas really has come early. I have some thoughts.

Firstly thank you for making the upgrade button less obtrusive.

Secondly, it’s nice but two things. Hot coral instead of blue, and too many buttons.

It’s hard to know what to press and where.

This is super nice

Would be great to reorder. I don’t really use pots so if I could hide that section if none existed that would be ace. Or, show connected accounts first.

I would love to see the trend line on the home
Screen too, ideally where the card with balance is now.

Thanks so much for releasing this early and using the forum as part of testing. Love to see it!

Excited to see what comes next. Might even tempt me back one day.


My first impressions:

  • Great potential for improvement

  • I use summary, using weekly budgeting. That’s missing from the account widget at the moment. It would be great if that’s incorporated into the widget. Unless the trends tab is taking over that. But I constantly rely on weekly summary, I don’t take much notice of the overall account balance, only once a month to check I have enough to transfer into my bills pot.

  • I like clicking on the account widget to reveal the “old” account view with card details and transactions just for that account

  • Nuke the card carousel. When I click an account widget I would like it to only reveal that accounts full view.

  • Latest activity, personalised to how many it shows maybe. I’d maybe like 5 transactions or todays transactions.

  • Be able to reorder the different tiles

  • Perhaps an overall financial situation tile. With the ability to manually add other assets values such as properties and other accounts you haven’t added or can’t add to Monzo.

  • There are a few performance issues which I’m sure will be addressed in future releases.

On the whole though, it’s a great step forward. Can’t wait to see how it evolves!


To add. This could just say accounts because then the add button makes more sense to me.

Especially since below, you can add pots and it’s where I presume I could also add savings pots. Feels like duplicate functionality to me.

Loving this first iteration, these comments are defo intended to be constructive.


LOVE THIS - great work.

The ‘Latest activity’ → ‘See all’ gets to a Monzoverse™️ unified transaction feed, which is good, but it really needs to show connected account transactions to really shine.

Personally, I’d go for a hybrid version of ‘all or nothing’ - one where the carousel exists for accounts with pots ‘under’ them being in the same carousel. So account-based carousel, rather than global carousel. If that makes sense.


Read this and thought ooo lemme see! but when I checked all my connected accounts transactions were missing so came back to angry face you, then I read the rest of it.

@Peter_G would love this.

The only issue with connected accounts is they don’t update in real time. You can manually trigger an update but that’s a bit counter intuitive for a unified thing. Monzo would really need to, at the very least, be triggering that manual refresh for all accounts on an app launch. But if that was possible/allowed, why aren’t they doing it already?


Agree with this completely! Like how the transactions list doesn’t take you to the carousel but a dedicated page

My only thoughts really are:

  • Width of boxes are wider than the next two tabs
  • Clean up the tap bar up the top
  • Standardise the button colours in line with other pages
  • Let the user customise the ‘add money’ button
  • Left to spend on the first page (though this may be coming as the modules are added)

but really they’re mostly anal things, and I’m very happy with it!!


Does this show just the last 3 transactions?

I would really prefer something like last 24 or 48 hours of transactions - this strikes me as a more useful thing to be able to see at a glance.

Currently, it appears to show upcoming direct debits so, on the 1st, when I have more than 3 DDs come out, mine will show the 3 most recent direct debits, which will in fact be 3 payments that haven’t come out of my account yet? I don’t love this particular aspect of it.

Otherwise, looks decent enough but I won’t use much of it. I don’t have pots or connected accounts, or a loan, or flex, etc.


Love it guys well done! Couple things I’d love to see

  • at the top bring trends / pulse / you have X left for X days into the fold. This will bring the managing money ethos front and centre and give you a sense your in control and in the know. Also pulse was such a big USP of the original Mondo app would be a nice nod

  • from my experience with blurs VS grads for the pot images I personally always go with grads as you’ll please the most amount of users

  • personalising, whilst it can be cheesy is a nice touch. I’d Consider making ‘accounts and pots’ into your H2 and H1 as Good morning, James as you guys mocked up. You could even utilise this as a space for positive messages with rich data, such as You got paid, Jason! Feels more personal.

Keep up the good work :metal:t2: