This was published 2 hours ago
Both systems have their flaws and it’s up to us to decide which one is for us. I don’t think one claim to be better than other. Users should appreciate the choice and competition IMO.
This was published 2 hours ago
Both systems have their flaws and it’s up to us to decide which one is for us. I don’t think one claim to be better than other. Users should appreciate the choice and competition IMO.
All jokes aside; you really don’t need to spend any money on or install any extra Android antivirus apps, it’s just snake oil at this point. Google Play Protect is MORE than good enough.
@SC95 - Did you read the article? Ignoring the obvious differences between malware and “brute force attacks” for a second, this is at the bottom of the article:
Is the iPhone secure? Hickey’s discovery of a supposed iOS vulnerability turned out to be false, so the smartphone apparently retains its image of security for now.
@thom_horne It was initially a joke yeah, I wouldn’t bother with any added security if I ever bought an Android.
But… going back to this…
Both systems indeed have flaws (every system does) - But the simple fact is… Apple’s system IS more secure, I could quote numerous references for this, or you could just google it.
In part, this is because anyone can throw an App on the google play store, the checks just aren’t as thorough (so history tells us).
That’s not to say Android is inherently insecure - Just don’t download anything dodgy!
Should we be worried about this?
Not really considering anyone that could run such a malware campaign successfully can and probably do build or commission similar malware already.
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