Android app getting a little iOSy

Only if you have a massive phone and/or tiny hands.
My 5.2in LG G2 is used exclusively one-handed.

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Ah yeah, fair enough. I currently use a Nexus 6P (5.7"), before that had a Nexus 6 (6") and my next phone will be a Pixel XL 2 (6" rumor)… I sometimes forget that not all Android phones are this big!

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Swiping from the left to open the navigation draw is a thing :stuck_out_tongue: (Although I totally get that this won’t necessarily be a feasible way for all people to use it)


I didn’t realise I was doing it (not in Monzo app, as I rarely went away from the feed), but in few other apps. Thanks for making me realise this, I’m very confused that I didn’t know that I was doing it… This gesture was very subconscious. I’m now a self-aware robot. :smiley:

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Whoa, we should totally have that in our app. Paging @emmag and @ivan :wink:

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It’s already there, @simonb :stuck_out_tongue:


Weird. I guess I was swiping it wrong somehow. Works now haha!


Works fine for me on interface my oneplusone 5

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I just got the beta and I’m not too hot in the ios-like non-material look the new beta app has… It might make interoperability and FAQs more streamlined but it’s definitely jarring to the android user when all other apps worth their salt are designed with those hamburger menus. I think it l this ios-like look reinforces, intentionally or not, this perception that android is trying to catch up with iOS instead of being an app with its own character

Tl;dr- Also I really just like hamburger menus. Perhaps you could just have a thing where swiping right on the screen will open the menu regardless


Hamburger menus are ok, but UX research suggests that a bottom bar has engagement than a burger menu and that features can be ‘lost’ to it if everything is in there. Probably the reason Monzo are putting the bottom bar in there. The YouTube app on android has a bottom bar, and I believe Google’s guidelines are moving in favour of this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I dont mind the bottom navigation bar, however i think it’s a bit big at the moment, comparing it to the size of the youtube bottom navigation bar it’s about half the size. Thinking more of screen size when Android finally gets the pulse graph :slight_smile:


I actually really like the new bottom bar on Android. (Before anyone asks - I’ve never owned an Apple device and I watch Google IO yearly!) On my OP3 the proportions seem fine however, I now don’t really see the need for the massive white space that is the hamburger/drawer, unless that’s where you will be able to switch accounts in future :wink:


The new bottom nav bar on Android is :heart_eyes:! But I am missing the ability to report a transaction and also suggest a logo… I moved over to Android from iOS a while back and miss this… :cry: And I really like the iOS App, it seems more functionality-rich… Can’t wait until Android catches up with iOS!


Yes, absolutely. I was going to say that the one iOS-y feature I’d love to have in the Android app is the ‘report an issue’ button at the bottom of each transaction. All the more so since I now have one item in my feed with no icon and a map showing entirely the wrong location! And no easy way to report it.

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Luke Wrobelwski has espoused ‘Obvious Always wins’ for some time, and his work with Google has resulted in the gradual adoption of bottom navigation. If it wasn’t Android-y before, it very much is now!


Except for topping up. Now the FAB that used to immediately access Useful Stuff on the primary landing page has been tucked away into the ‘Card’ tab, and is now a single-use button with no label. Rather annoying when the main reason for opening the app for now is to top up (maybe wait to relegate that button until the Current Account is actually rolled out on Android).

It would also be nice to have the standard Android swipe-the-screen-to-move-between-panes function if a switch is made from manu-based navigation to pane navigation.


It’s not that standard for bottom nav, I think? Material Design dislikes this option specifically, if I understand it correctly:

Using swipe gestures on the content area does not navigate between views.

I agree on the hidden FAB, my main 2 actions is topping up and mozo’ing money to someone. Both are gone from home view. That being said, if it wasn’t for nav bar, home screen looks cleaner now due to lack of FAB and part of the top panel hiding when you scroll down. < insert philosoraptor here>

Just to let you know, that functionality’s being reserved for other things -

Except for topping up. Now the FAB that used to immediately access Useful Stuff on the primary landing page has been tucked away into the ‘Card’ tab, and is now a single-use button with no label. Rather annoying when the main reason for opening the app for now is to top up

Just seconding this because I had to top up today for the first time since the interface change and I ended up standing in Tesco for what felt like a good five minutes staring at my phone trying to work out where the top-up option had gone. Can we have it back somewhere blazingly obvious, please?

YouTube is actually an outlier with its tiny bottom navigation bar. Compare it to Google Photos, Google Plus, Google News & Weather, Spotify, Jira, Money Dashboard and Twitch.

It’s actually quite hard to find apps that use a bottom navigation bar.

I do think the navigation bar would look better in the Monzo blue with white icons & text.

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