Amazon Smart Plug

Amazon’s smart plug is on sale today for just £9.99 using ‘SMARTPLUG’ at checkout. promotional code only works on one plug I did try to cheat the system. :shushing_face:

SmartPlug UK Link (not an affiliate link)

I have 5 of these not talking to my plug sockets :wink:

The Kasa App is easy to use with them too :wink:

Going to get a home pod when I can afford one not touching Amazon or Gooles version :wink:

Removed. R-

@NamesKieran - your link takes you to a £24 ish plug. R-

These are great - I also have 5 and two smart bulbs. Works great with Alexa. R-

If I understand the original post right, you add that to the basket and then enter a promo code, which will take it down to £9.99.

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I have 4 of these

Contemplating one of these for the bathroom but it has a built in extractor fan to the light switch so not sure if the light switch being left on the extractor fan will still continue :wink:

Hmmm… perhaps as I have “one click checkout” selected I don’t seem to get the opportunity to enter the promo code. R-

The promo code didn’t work for me :man_shrugging:

The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase.


Had a try, and the discount didn’t work for me either. :disappointed_relieved:

Googled and found that “Amazon have confirmed to [the Mirror] that the discount is only available to selected shoppers.”

I’d hazard a guess that as I’ve previously purchased smartplugs, albeit not Amazon ones, that’s why I’m not a selected customer. Though can’t speak for anyone else who has found the code didn’t work.

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