AMA with App Evolution 🎉

Hi folks!

You’ve seen a bunch of me and a few others over on our thread about the Labs launch but we have a few more team members around today to answer questions too :blush:!

Here’s who’s around today:

@emmag if you’re not tired of me already :joy: :wave:
@leepethers and @samuelbranter are our brilliant designers :art:
@dylanslewis and @ivan are our iOS and Android engineers :apple::robot:
@twindebank and @tulara are our backend engineers :hammer_and_wrench:
@Katherine is our data scientist :chart_with_upwards_trend:
@Sarah-Bee is our QA :test_tube:

I’ll do a quick intro of myself too – I’m a Senior Staff Engineer and have been at Monzo for about 6.5 years now. @ivan beats me by about 2 weeks, we were the first two Android engineers in the company.

I’ve worked across many features and bits of the Android app over the years – building the original p2p experience, Summary (sorry about that :wink:), the first Savings Pots, Shared tabs, and many other things I’ve since forgotten :sweat_smile:. I also spent a while running our Mobile Platform (now Product Infrastructure) team.

Outside of work, I’ve been trying to buy a house for a year (a running saga :house_with_garden:), and I’ve a ~21 month old daughter. I’m currently expecting #2 :pregnant_woman: too!