Targets are ace and I’ve enjoyed using them since the start of October. Here are some thoughts:
The “Spending” page feels a little cluttered, especially if compared to the clean and spacious design of the “Home” page. Perhaps removing the “£x left of £y” per category would help. This information could then only be available on the category specific page.
Each time I view the Spending page I have to think. I’ve dug deep into why I do this and it feels like the numbers at the top are the wrong way round. I’d like to read spending and monthly target like I read an equation i.e. £500 target - £380.72 spent = £119.28 remaining
I have a monthly budget and like that I can set a Total Spending for the month. The typical spending figure is useful. I’d like to apportion my monthly spend across individual categories, instead of setting individual targets per category. I had to do the maths and my head hurt.
Perhaps provide two options a) Set a monthly target and allow users to apportion amongst the individual categories b) Allow users to set individual category targets first which means they can’t set a monthly target (unless they take option a)
The use of green/orange/red in the bars and text is excellent. It’s super clear what the colours represent.
The “Your overspending” notification is useful. I think this will help people become more aware of their spending. It did for me.
The non-opaque spending bars decrease from right to left and I can’t seem to reconcile why this confuses me. I’d like to see a non-opaque spending bar increase from left to right. I’d imagine the left and “increasing (non-opaque) bar” representing spend and the right “decreasing (and opaque) bar” representing the remaining amount of the target.
I appreciate this is a whole chunk of feedback and I considered creating separate topics per item of feedback. Happy to break them into individual items of feedback if that would help the conversation.
What do you think?