I just swept it back into my main balance, so £0. However it was pushing £40!!!
Do you know if you’ll be sharing any metrics on use of the coin jar? Proportion of users setting one up, average amount saved, that sort of thing? (Idly curious - I’m very relaxed if it’s effort and/or something you’d prefer not to publish!)
Possibly! @simon would be the person to ask.
Maybe a blog post would be good at some point?
I feel like I saw some numbers at some point and the takeup was pretty high
Always interested in good bloggage! -makes eyes at @simon-
£27.16 and counting… at this rate I expect to save over £300 pa without saving!
When we start to see other banks and credit cards in the app, it would be great if the Coin Jar could work across them all. I only use Monzo for cash (and DDs as of tomorrow!), so most of my transactions are missed.
£18.86 here
£68.61 in mine
£3.07 as most of my spending is Direct Debits and Standing Orders.
£23.30 - Which surprises me as I’m currently on a strict budget!
Are there plans by Monzo to allow automatic transfer of the Coin Jar contents to savings or ISAs?
This would really be the point of having a Coin Jar, IMO…
hope so
several ideas shared in this thread if you’re interested in reading it - feel free to add your ideas
I’m currently sitting £39.18 in my pot