Zing Chat!

Interesting thanks…

@gt94sss2 - might need to send you back 2 £5 payments :slight_smile: Will DM you if I do.

Mainly I just want to check out Zing as a bit of competitor research :male_detective:

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Happy to help. :slight_smile:

If you have a Wise account, you can also send the payments to that


Mine’s closed now anyway.

I’m still waiting for them to allow toping up non-GBP wallets with debit cards …

Can anyone DM me with a Zing referral?

Sent :slight_smile:

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Sorry Aydan got there first.

Indeed :smiley:

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Video gif. A man runs at top speed through a parking garage and out into the daylight.



Another quick update from Zing

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Do you know if it’s possible to send/transfer USD directly from Zing USD subaccount to Revolut USD subaccount, for free, without having to convert to GBP and then back to USD (I am in UK) ?

No (at least not yet). The Zing USD account can only be topped up with GBP wallet transfers.

So vice versa is also impossible ? I have USD in Zing, am looking to top up my Revolut USD.

You can top up your Revolut USD with a Zing debit card for free. Work with Apple Pay top ups too. As the transaction is in USD, it will take the money from that wallet.

Awesome, thanks for the suggestion, will try this.

EDIT: it works & is free (for small size) & the transfer is even instantaneous! Amazing.

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Looks like Zing have improved their ‘refer a friend’ offer to £30. Maybe they’re struggling to get market share considering the well known alternatives (Wise, Revolut etc).

They’re another fintech that won’t last long once the parent company turns off the money tap.

Strong, established competition. Those who are receptive to such an account will already have one; and those generally with the parent bank will be the most tech-backwards people who won’t want/need one.

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