- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Chrome
- Other
0 voters
0 voters
Wow Mac winning and only one vote for Linux ?! Crazy lol
I’m a big Linux fan, but Mac/iOS wins over it easy for day to day.
Linux hands down for servers.
Linux for servers, Windows for gaming, Mac for everything else. Answer is Android
Windows for gaming
So many mac users ?! What’s the appeal ?
I don’t need to rebuild a kernel when I buy a new monitor.
Honestly the appeal is that it is easy to use for everyday tasks. I find those who want Linux are tech/developers and it is more about customisation. I think the trade-off for most people is something they understand and can put up with not having, for example, the screen font be Comic Sans…
Windows is similar to MacOS these days in usability so it’s probably a price point then (Mac laptops are expensive).