Wise Discussion (previously Transferwise)

This is cool. Swift is a messaing app like whatsapp or imessage, but a bit more archaic.

When a bank sends a Swift message saying “customer X wants to transfer £50 from UK to customer Y’s bank P in country India” Swift does not handle the transfer, but enables the bank to tell someone to handle it.

According to this, it means Wise can now handle these transfers.

Because every bank uses Swift anyway, this enables Wise to be an almost drag-and-drop replacement in their systems to potentially get much cheaper transfers, while giving Wise much broader market share and more profit :thinking:


That’s great for the banks. Anyone want to place bets on whether they will pass on the savings to their customers :eyes: :moneybag:

New design seems to have come.


I do prefer the old design :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yeah, looks cheap. Have ordered a replacement card anyway.


I don’t know what the two folks above me are on about, because the new design is a lot better IMO!

#teamecowhite tho. That card is the best. A shame they’ve stopped doing them.


My card looks same as in this printscreen in app :grin:
Was ordered in Apr 2022 :smiling_face:

So for me, new looks/is Mastercard sign & Platinum word only :thinking:


I didn’t get the new design :frowning:

Can add your Wise to Monzo now :smiling_face:
Some info


Side note: access is granted for 365 days? I thought the limit was 90 days across the industry or has something changed here?

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There’s no limit now afaik.

It’s down to the end entity to set one if they want to.

Some of my revolut services are until 2072, truelayer and some others. Not connected banks, more services.

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Somehow new design has launched in Japan.
I got it today.


This is really annoying. Yes it only takes a few minutes for me to update my payment details, but this is the second time I’ve had to do this in the past year and a half.

Looking at Twitxer the most annoyed people seem to be businesses. We’ve been given 18 days notice of the change, which doesn’t really work when you’ve already sent out invoices with 30 day payment terms…


What do you have those cards laid out on? Is that Wise inner packaging?

Yes, it is. This font is featuristic.

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When you tap on statistics, 1st thing you see is this window now :face_with_monocle:


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I’m aware they’ve paused allowing people to open new USD balances too. Existing accounts aren’t impacted.

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Received an email today, service fee for interest changing :face_with_monocle:

Nevertheless they still offer the highest interest rates for easy access accounts in the UK.

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