Unable to Create New Client

Unsure if anybody else has had problems with this, but I’m not currently able to create new API clients through the developers portal.

No errors, it accepts it, refreshes, but then just doesn’t appear in the sidebar.

This was happening before the new year too, but thought it might get fixed with a bit of time.

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0auth clients?
I can create new ones, maybe try the new browser or cookies cache clear?

Double check you have given the session access by dealing with the alert in the app.

Each session needs to be approved I.e every time you log onto the developer portal.

It might not be this but that’s the exact behaviour I have had when I forgot.

Yup talking about Oauth clients.

Definitely got account access, can query all transactions etc.

Tried multiple browsers, clearing cache, etc.

Is there a silent cap on the number of clients now? I do have quite a lot, perhaps part of the problem?

Not really sure to be honest. I certainly haven’t seen anything in the documentation. I tend to only have what I absolutely need. Usually 1 for testing with and another for the actual use case

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Downside of having an app which supports a couple hundred users aha

Lots of clients :grinning:

I will add that two others (not on forum) who just checked also weren’t able to add new ones :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I have exactly the same problem. I only have one account.
I can login and access all information via mobile or windows via monzo app.
However after login to the developer section …
i can not create “a client in the developer tools”.
I have tried with different browzers with history/cache zeroed.
Always nothing in Your OAuth Clients ???

  1. does anyone know of an idiots guide for this ???
  2. or does the information need to match or be formated in someway / ie logo url or redirect urls ??

Help most appreciated.

I had zero and successfully added one to be clear.

You don’t have to add anything besides the name and description.

Edit; just added 4 successfully.

Do you see the developer portal in the manage apps section of the monzo app?

Dear Kolok,
Thank you for your response.
-Do you see the developer portal in the manage apps section of the monzo app?-
Not sure what you mean. I log into the Monzo Developer Portal via a sent email link. Then i have access to these two urls.
Curiously when i switch to playground page i get an error message …

  • developers.monzo.com says-
    Please open your app to allow API Playground access to your account … dont know if that is related.

Last year i read (before i was trying to create a PHP API) that someone with a business account had problems … which were resolved when tried with a standard account not business.

Does any one have a business account which allows you to create aps ?? or at least create clients in the developers portal ??

Interesting point: I have a business account.

Can’t speak for others!

You get a notification to approve access from your monzo app,

If you go to your profile icon in the top left > settings cog top left> privacy and security> manage apps, it should say developer portal there once you approve it.

I couldn’t find anything solid on needing to have a personal account, besides someone saying possibly.

But someone else had the same as you until they approved the login from the monzo app as well as the magic link so double check you’re doing that.

Dear Kolok and Sherlock,

Thank you for your responces.
I checked …
settings cog top left> privacy and security> manage apps
Monzo IOS app and
Monzo Development Portal
are present and i assume operational.

By magic link i assume you mean
https:/developers.monzo.com/ >> api playground >> then email button.

When i do i still get this strange message
‘Please open your app to allow API Playground access to your account.’

anyone else seen this ??

Try click on the developer app inside your Monzo app and revoke the app/ permissions and then log out the developers website and log in again.

Do you have a personal account as well or just a business one?

Interesting idea, hadn’t thought to do that - but yeah made no difference for me.

Got personal + 1 business (+ flex accounts, and all the rest).
Have done the extra playground validation in-app, and nothing else in the dev portal is broken (can make queries etc).

Just adding new clients fails.

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I’m having this issue today. I logged in with the magic link + in-app notification, submitted the “Create a Client” form but it didn’t appear under “Your clients”. Also, I thought I successfully created a client a few weeks ago but that now doesn’t appear under “Your clients” either.

This is definitely still an issue.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to https://developers.monzo.com/
    • This displays a “Sign in with your Monzo account” button, even if you’ve already signed in several times in the last 5 minutes.
  2. Click the “Sign in with your Monzo account” button.
    • This takes you to https://auth.monzo.com/?redirect_uri=...
  3. Click the “Continue to login” button
    • This displays an input to enter your email address and a “Grant access” button.
  4. Enter your email address and click “Grant access”.
    • This displays a “Check your email” page and sends you an email.
  5. Go to your email client and click the “Log in to Monzo” link in the email.
    • This takes you to https://developers.monzo.com/api/playground and shows an alert dialogue saying “Please open your app to allow API Playground access to your account” (even if you’ve already granted this access several times).
  6. Open the Monzo app on your phone and click the “Allow access to your data” notification.
    • This then shows a confirmation screen.
  7. Click the “Approve” button on the confirmation screen and confirm with PIN/biometrics.
  8. Click the circle in the top left corner of the app which contains your inital (maybe shows your profile picture if you’ve set one?).
    • This brings up a menu listing your accounts (if you have more than one), and has options of “Settings” and “Edit layout” below.
  9. With the relevant account selected, click “Settings”.
    • This shows another menu with options of “Privacy and security”, “Notifications,” etc.
  10. Click “Privacy and security”
    • This shows another page with some toggle switches and “Manage Apps” at the bottom.
  11. Click “Manage Apps”
    • This lists two apps, “Monzo Android App” and “Monzo Developer Portal”.
    • Each app has a kebab (three dots) button next to it, if you click the button it shows options of “Log Out” and “Cancel”, so you know that you are definitely logged IN to these two apps.
  12. Return to your web browser which is still on the page https://developers.monzo.com/api/playground
  13. Click “Ok” on the alert dialogue.
    • You can now access the main nav bar at the top of the page, which has items of “Playground”, “Clients” and “Log out”.
  14. In that nav bar, click “Clients”.
    • This might send you back to step 2.
    • But if you’re lucky and you’ve been around the auth flow enough times, it shows you a page titled “Manage OAuth Clients”, with a button “New OAuth Client” and a section labelled “Your OAuth Clients” which is empty.
  15. Click the “New OAuth Client” button.
    • This reveals a form to add a new client.
  16. Open your browser’s dev tools and switch to the Console tab so you can see what goes wrong.
  17. Fill in the form and click “Submit”.
    • The page just goes back to how it was with the “New OAuth Client” and a section labelled “Your OAuth Clients” which is empty.
    • An error is shown in the console with a 403 response from the API.
    • No error message is shown on the web page; you can only see it in the browser’s dev tools.

Here’s a screenshot of that error:


Hi All,
I have had this problem for a while now. The summation from Adamalton is excellent.
I am crashing out at 6 and 7. When i open the Monzo App on my mobile phone … there is no alert for me to approve. Anyone seen this is there a work around ???

Having tried all kinds of things, I did somehow eventually manage to set up a client, but I’m not entirely sure how. It seems to me that the setup process of the Monzo API is broken in multiple ways. A few things that I’ve learned along the way are:

  1. If you have a business account, do not try to use your business email address to log in; it will let you log in but doing so won’t help you. You need to use the email address that’s registered to your personal account. It seems that perhaps the Monzo API lets you log in with any email address, even if it’s one that isn’t linked to a Monzo account. So in steps 1-5 above, the process lets you log in, but once you’re logged in you can’t set up any clients or get any further in the process. You might think that your business account is linked to your business email address, but certainly in the case of API access it’s not.

  2. When you log in (steps 1-5 above), you need to re-grant access in your Monzo app every single time. If you ever get as far as managing to create a client, when you log in next time that/those client(s) will disappear from the list on the Clients page (step 14 above) … until you grant access in your app again, and then they’ll reappear.

  3. If you ever manage to get as far as being able to create a client, you need to set the “Confidentiality” setting to “Not confidential”, otherwise it won’t work. Even if you’re storing the token server-side and therefore you should in theory choose the “Confidential” option, trying to make API requests with an access token created for a confidential client will simply return 403 (permission denied) repsonses to your API requests.